When it comes to obedience and disobedience, authority and defiance, I believe it’s just 2 sides of the same coin. One needs the other to exist and both are necessary to societies need for balance. What is considered to be obedience and disobedience is completely subjective to the society or culture one was raised in. What we by law here in the US consider to be disobedient is in some cultures, completely normal, some may even regard certain things as tradition. Its vice versa for certain traditions and laws in America to other countries and cultures as well. To have a sense of balance, which some may argue is essential to society, theres needs to be the good and the bad that makes it all up. We as people subconsciously are always subjected to some form of authority since birth. These authorities change as we get older but what does not change is the rules we are conditioned into being obedient too, that is made by these authorities. Even if you grow up to be someone with a position of authority there is a great chance that there is someone who holds authority over you. Some people feel the need to challenge these authorities, which is what is considered disobedience. Being disobedient can sometimes prove helpful though, It can help people learn and in some cases bring about necessary changes in society. Almost every major social change that has changed the way people think for the better has been conceived from the disobedience of a group brave enough to fight authorities for the change we needed. The disobedience of many has been directly responsible for many groups receiving their rights and finally being looked at as equal to those who were given a sense of equality all along. Disobedience is beneficial in many ways, not to discredit the importance of also obeying authorities as many of the times it is necessary to public safety and fairness. Society has always needed both Obedience and disobedience to function everyday. The two will always go hand in hand.