This NY times article is important to me because it is about teachers requesting federal help in order to be at their own jobs. Teachers are being intimidated over things like teaching about racism in our country, as well as mask mandates to keep everyone in the buildings safe from Covid-19. Some politicians and parents are very disapproving of the students being taught that racism is deeply embedded in large institutions and pushed in their policies. Although learning about racism is essential in fighting to lessen it and make everyday life more fair and equal to affected groups, many want lessons on it to be restricted. Many places of education are also facing conflict over Covid-19 related mandates, such as vaccines, and mask.



This article shares information about how people in the workforce feel about vaccine mandates. Some are going as far as quitting their jobs, or retiring as a whole because they refuse to be vaccinated. As an alternative to avoid this some places used weekly testing. While some were satisfied with the weekly testing alternative, some believe it only reinforced peoples want for not getting the vaccination. Those people believe the alternative has only caused it to backfire. Its been found that most people who refuse to get the vaccine actually do not believe in outlandish theories or that there is any drastic life threatening side effects, they do not want it purely out of wanting to secure their right to choose if they get the vaccine or not.