My school experience has always been good. I find the memories I made while at school have been very amazing. Ever since elementary school, I found myself doing relatively well and lucky for meeting great people along the way. Growing up, I was always told to do well which meant always do my homework correctly, never get more than 1 question wrong on an exam, always participate and ask questions, etc. Knowing that I had to always do these things, it put a lot of stress on me. Thankfully, I met wonderful people along my school journey who made it all a little easier for me. Whenever I had trouble with a certain topic, I would always try and reach out to one of them and eventually someone would explain it to me. Not only did my friends help me with my homework, they also helped me to stay motivated to keep on wanting to do well and school. We also hung out with each other whenever we had the chance and as a result of this, made my life more fun and filled with happiness. As time went on, I would keep on working hard in class and eventually realize how amazing I can be in History class. I don’t know why, but it always felt like I could easily remember most stuff in class without really even trying. This would lead to History being my favorite school subject as I saw it as the class that was basically a free 100.

Bunn, Mike. “How to Read Like A Writer.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 2

“How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn explains how when reading a certain text, we should be focusing and figure out how it was built. Bunn basically tries to teach us how to see writing in a different perspective. Instead of just reading a text and moving on, Bunn encourages us to deeply analyze the text. He asks us to basically find the foundation of the text. In page 74, Bunn further explains how “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to “build” one for yourself.”. Certain questions like why did he write this, what was the purpose, or even who is he targeting usually come up when trying to read like a writer. Reading like a writer can also be used to improve our writing. For example, if we really enjoy a certain author’s writing style and think that it would work for something you are writing, you could use it in your own way and make whatever it is you’re writing better. Another method to be able to read like a writer is to look at the context. When you understand the context of something you’re reading, you will easily be able to understand the text even further. Another important method is to understand the genre of the text we are reading. If we recognize the genre of the text, we can find out why the text was written that way and how it would not work for other genres. A perfect example Bunn’s made was through poems and instruction manuals. In page 77 he explains that “Many readers expect poems and pop songs to rhyme, for example, but might react negatively to a legal brief or instruction manual that did so.”. This quote explains how while one thing might work perfectly for something, it might not do so well when it comes to another genre of writing.