Artist Statement

The reason for the specific topic on NFT was because I thought it would be interesting for my specific audience of City Tech freshmen to know about because it is something that people do not really learn about in school but something you learn yourself. The genre I chose was an Instagram post because I thought it was the best way to reach City Tech freshmen because most of them are on social media. There are other forms of social media out there, but I believe the most common one used is Instagram which might be the best way to give this information.  There are also so many different platforms that can be used for educational purposes rather than just entertainment which can help bring awareness to a variety of things for people and would end up making it more impactful to someone. 

Freshman’s are usually aware about general things related to economics such as insurance and tax and other general things people learn along the way, but NFTs are not something common people commonly use or are aware of. I am aware that freshman’s may not actually be able to start this even though they are informed by this information but they will be knowledgeable and may be able to use this information in the future. A mistake that I might have made is make it applicable to older people such as older people because maybe they might be interested even more than the freshman’s because I am just assuming that freshman’s may be more interested but I could actually be wrong in my take because it may be something they will actually want to do at the moment and they actually have the opportunity but are not aware of it. Another mistake I also see I made is that it is not something that is guaranteed to help you but can actually harm you because it is a risk you are taking at the end of the day and it is possible to lose a lot and there is also potential to gain, so maybe it is not something I should be showing but something I could have possibly done is actually include more information on the risks involved and emphasize on the risk and potential harm this may cause people because it is something that people may be hurt over and this is something that people over time have other problems in their lives that are involved because of NFTs, but it is only something you should do if you are able to and would not be dramatically hurt by. 

I do find it that often older people may be interested in by just messing around with it and it is even possible they might be interested in even creating an NFT themselves because I assumed freshman’s would only be interested, but after some thought, I realized that there are older people that are used to technology and computers and in my head, the first thought that comes to my mind is that they will probably never be interested, but thinking back, maybe there is people that are interested and want to check it out for themselves because why put the steps on how to get started with NFTs to freshman’s when they are not really able to actually get started so it would actually make more sense to make this applicable to older people which would make more sense. Obviously not all older people may be interested but there are definitely people that might be interested and try something new they have never tried before. The only things that might draw them away is the risks involved and that is something people might not have control of and it is something most people can’t afford to take because it would not be very smart to take a risk not worth taking which is not worth it at the end of the day for you and especially if you have a family or people to take care of and can’t afford to take these risk so it is important to be smart about these kinds of things,