For Unit 3 my target audience will be activists. I chose activists because they are always focusing on important topics, they also bring awareness to these important topics and they are committed to creating change. I also chose them as my target audience because I believe my point will be communicated to them effortlessly, since they already frequently discuss complex topics like climate change. My main point has not changed from my Unit 2 main point. I still believe it is important to inform people on the effects of climate change and why it is important to act now. Having activists as my audience will further spread the word on why we should all care about climate change. The genre of my Unit 3 project is a video essay because it will be educational. I chose a video essay for this specific group of people because my goal is to inform, and a video essay will allow me to do that easily. To create a video essay I will need to learn how to focus on visuals, how to edit, and how to bring interest to my topic. I can find these resources online such as on youtube or on websites. Over the next few weeks, my first goal will be to learn how video essays work and what should be included in a video essay. Next, I will begin an outline to structure and plan out my video essay. Then, I will begin the video essay and as I create it I will make sure I am doing everything I learned from the tutorials I looked up.