English Composition II

Weakly Assignments

Day One Hw:

Growing up I didn’t really mind or care about my name, in fact as I grew older, I realized I have such a generic name hearing and seeing others with the same name. There was a time where I actually envied people with unique names, but I later learned to live with my name because of the people I met as I kept growing older which shaped me to the person I am today. My full name is Brian Felix Ortiz, my name was usually mistaken as Bryan, but it didn’t bother me a lot. I am Mexican and speak both English and Spanish. My family has a big influence on my education and goals and is the main reason I am in college. After visiting my parents’ hometown back in 2018, that’s when I truly realized how privileged I am to be able to have an abundance of resources and opportunities. I am very proud of my cultural background, there is just so much it is fascinating. 


Day Two Hw:

What do I think when Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author”? Well, whenever we read something, we tend to “read like a writer” making all sorts of questions, coming up with different ways we could have made the story either better for ourselves or better for the story and picturing how it could work out in our heads. This is what I think he means, since we are “creating” a better or worse version of what we are already reading, making us ponder about if the author’s version is the correct way or not. I do this a lot actually, whenever I am reading a fictional story, I ponder around whether or not the main character should go such and such route and then start picturing it if it will work out or not. Whenever we read something, we should take initiative and publish those ideas making us authors. There are a lot of things I have written and am writing. Such as notes for my classes, text messages, research papers, etc. I read a lot of web novels and whenever I read, I tend to come across new words which I then try to implement into my everyday life. This existing expertise can help me in my college reading and writing career by better assessing how something is written and why it is written the way it should be. Making sure I as the reader is paying attention to key details that will later impact or is impacting the article/story. As well as making sure I as the writer is able to implement ideas in readers minds. 

When reading Bunn’s article, I noticed he was throwing a lot of questions to us readers making us think of certain aspects of how something should be written. That specifically is what I’d like to try and do in my future writings. 



  1. Zafir Ishak

    I agree and I think it can be very helpful in using words you come across to implement them in you life.

  2. Allan Yunayev

    I agree with you with Bunn throwing a lot of questions. I don’t question why they wrote that, why they wrote it with that certain word or phrase, and it like I need to start questioning more to answer these questions.

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