Hamsters World

My game is about Hamster that is trying to survive in this evil world. He  lives in present time. He lost his family in the hurricane and he does not have any friend. A poor little boy is trying his best  to live a happy Hamsters life. His name is Vlad and he is 14 years old ( In humans age ). The only thing that he has, it is a small house by the ocean that was destroyed by the hurricane. Vlad’s mission is to rebuild his house and in order to do that he has to go through missions.

Life of Wolves

My world is among the kingdom of Wolves. Being a Luna, I have to fight for the freedom of the land from the other Luna from the other kingdoms. My family loves peace, Harmony , Playfulness, hunting, running and family. My kingdom is located between he forests and the mountain. There are a lot of space to run around for quietness and to cool down. We enjoy all the seasons throughout the year. Though we have friends from the other kingdom, which are located throughout the world, we try to keep peace between ourselves while hunting. My goal is to keep honor in my kingdom which is no easy task and to keep my family from any unwanted harm. If there is any trouble at all, our way of communication is by howling and running away from immediate threat to safety.

Game Story

During the middle ages in china, there was this war ridden emperor who built a castle that is the size of a mountain. The Emperor rushed his people to build this castle which caused a rift. Everything was far from peaceful because of the unmet promises by the emperor. The people began to riot and cause a major uproar outside the emperor’s castle. The emperor dispatches his 3 lieutenants to bring the peace. During the commotion, some rebels use a secret entrance to kidnap the emperor’s children. All hell breaks loose when the emperor discovers this betrayal. The furious Emperor issues a bounty on all who is involved and once again dispatches his special lieutenants to  figure out who the culprit is.Out of the 3 lieutenants that work on this quandary, one is the Villain(slick and persuasive) , one is the Hero(highly respected and loyal), and one is the Rival(deceitful and intelligent) . It is up to the Hero to navigate through the thin evidence and evade traps that await him. Unfortunately, the Emperor has given his lieutenants 7 days to solve it or he will execute them for the inability to protect his children. The Rival can help or disrupt you and the villain will leave behind breadcrumbs of evidence. The hero navigates through the evidence and discovers the shocking truth. As the hero informs the emperor of this betrayal, the villain appears and it seems he has told the emperor that it is the hero who is the culprit. The emperor seeks the 3rd lieutenant’s(Rival) opinion. And depending on the choices made against the heroes rival he will either help you or have you killed for his benefit (bounty reward). To be continued…?


During the Middle Ages in northern China, there exists this despicable Emperor, who appointed the hero  to catch who is responsible for his children’s disappearance.

The Pursuit of Truth

Game Story:

Taking place approximately 300 years from now on the distant planet Neptune, one man named Simon discovers an alternate travel path on the spaceship. The only person access to the ship being his longtime friend and upon questioning him, he learns his friend is obviously withholding information. Simon who always follows everything by the law and always internalizes his curious thoughts about his whereabouts and where he originated from decides to be spontaneous for once and embarks on a journey to the place which he was told ceased to exist, Planet Earth. After landing on Planet Earth, he soon discovers he is just a slave working for the human race who depend on him and his kind (A.I.) to supply things such as food. He also finds out at the end of the story that he is living in a simulation and questions whether he has any free-will.

Log Line:

In a place where nothing is ever questioned…until one curious person leads the journey for the discovery of the real truth about the past.


Paper World

My game is about a boy named Dillan who is paper made and is from a paper world. The only thing Dillan carries with him is papers. Dillan lives in the time of the French Revolution where everyone is ranked by classes and the king ruled everything, making the commander pay taxes. Dillan does not know his background, where he came from, who is parents are, and what happened to them. In order to find the answer, he has to go to this cave where a god lives. Only this god can give Dillan his answer, but during his journey, he meets a lot of obstacles. For example, getting called by the king, escaping the guillotine, surviving through storms, beating the dragons, and etc. The only item Dillan carries are papers and he has to fold his way to survival.

Building your World

Building Your World (from Slay the Dragon) (Here’s a Word doc of this.)

Think about the world of your potential game. Now answer these questions:

  1. What is the HISTORY of my world?
  2. What is the TECHNOLOGY or MAGIC (if any) of my world?
  3. Who are the INHABITANTS of my world?
  4. What is the CULTURE of my world?
  6. What do the inhabitants EAT? Do they HUNT?
  7. What is their RELIGION?
  8. What are the different COUNTRIES? CITIES?
  9. What are the LANGUAGES?
  10. What is the CURRENT SITUATION in my world? Is it a time of war? Peace? Fear? Calm?

How to Pitch

Preparing for your Presentation/Pitch (Here’s a link to a Word doc of this.)

Pitching a project is, frankly, terrifying. In the screenwriting world, we use what’s called a logline to help us organize and get started on the process of selling someone else on our story or project.  Here’s a template for creating a logline:

In [location and time/setting], X [character] is faced with Y [challenge/situation] and must do Z to resolve it.

For example, for the adventure game 80 Days, the logline might be:

“In a steampunk version of Victorian London, wealthy gentleman Phileas Fogg and his valet Passepartout decide to see if they can make it around the world in 80 days or less so they can win a bet… and prove it can be done.”

The beauty of the template is that it doesn’t have to be presented exactly like that. Here’s one for the film Jaws:

“When a Great White Shark terrorizes a small tourist town in New England, the mild-mannered sheriff Brody must team up with a scientist and a drunken fishing boat captain to stop it.”

EXERCISE: Use the template to create a logline to use when you start your Game Story pitch.


  • Location/setting:




  • Character Name plus a brief descriptive adjective or two to let us know a bit more about him/her:




  • Challenge/Situation:


  • the action/journey that needs to be accomplished:


Write your logline:



Hobby – Arif Sahiti

Arif Sahiti

CST1102 ID


  • Search for role that you are interested in.
  • Contact agent or agency associated with the desired role.
  • Send headshots and resume to the agency.
  • Wait for an email for an audition.
  • Book an audition date and prepare the script that is attached with the email.
  • Dress the part.
  • Head into audition confident.
  • When entering the audition waiting area, make friends. Introduce yourself to other people.
  • When called for your audition it is ok to look at the script, but be sure to be loud and make facial expressions. End with a tight handshake.
  • Wait for your feedback patiently.
  • You will get rejected. Keep your head up and continue to strive for greatness.