Draco Warrior

The story of Draco Warrior takes place in a fictional version of the European Middle Ages where humans and animals create bonds by communicating openly with one another through the power of zoolingualism. Humans are able to communicate with animals that are commonly found on Earth, such as bears and pigs, and mythical creatures such as unicorns and centaurs. Upon birth, every human is paired with an animal companion. The animal companion will live with the human that it is paired with until death. Once either the human or the animal perishes, the solo individual will not have the opportunity to find another companion and that individual will be shunned from society forever. Humans can be paired with any animal in the animal kingdom except for dragons. Since dragons are considered to be just as intelligent and independent as humans and they are known for being the creators of the universe, humans do not have the honor of being paired with dragons. However, only humans that have demonstrated great acts of bravery, compassion, and purity can be paired with dragons. The most powerful dragon in this world is known as the Dimension Dragon. The Dimension Dragon has the ability to travel to other universes that are parallel to Earth. Anyone that is paired with the Dimension Dragon has the honor of acquiring the title of Protector of All Universes.

The main character of this story is a young serf named Drake. Drake belongs to a family whose ancestors have controlled dragons in the past. His father claims that if Drake is strong enough to leave the land that is owned by their lord, he will have a chance to go on a journey and prove his worth to the Dimension Dragon. Based on the animal companion the player chooses, the player will follow Drake on his quest to become the Protector of All Universes.

Logline: In a fictional version of the European Middle Ages, a young serf named Drake must escape his lord’s land with his animal companion and fulfill his father’s prophecy of proving his worth to the Dimension Dragon and becoming the Protector of All Universes.




While investigating the death of a local doctor, a brave police officer called Jack Sack uncovers a legend about a supernaturally-cursed, silver box circulating throughout New York. As soon as anyone opens the box, they will find a key. Also, he or she has exactly 31 days left to live. The doomed few appear to be ordinary people during day to day life, but when photographed, they look translucent.

Jack gets hold of the box, refusing to believe the superstition. As soon as he gets a hold of the box a collage of images flash into his mind: a group of rats running out of his mouth, an old newspaper headline about a drunk driving accident with Jack dying, an abandoned house that nobody has entered for years. Jack then takes the key inside the box and puts it in his pocket.

When Johnny notices he can’t move parts of his body at times, he realizes that the curse of the silver box is true and calls in his ex-girlfriend, a private detective called Michelle Banks, to help.

Michelle examines the box (after Jack already opened it and took out the key) and willingly submits herself to the curse. She notices a different type of key. She finds that the same visions flash before her eyes. She joins the queue for a supernatural death.

Johnny and Michelle pursue a quest to uncover the meaning of the visions, starting with a search for the house. Will they be able to stop the curse before their time is up?


Background: The world was once a seemingly perfect utopia but unknown to it inhabitants, there was trouble brewing within a small, but reasonably powerful faction hidden in the shadows. This faction was unhappy with the balance of power. To deal with this imbalance the set off an Electro-Magnetic Pulse in which the world has ever seen before, effectively sending the once thriving futuristic world decades into the past. The crashing of every server in the Citadel caused a ripple effect, shutting down all other infrastructures connected to it. It has been 15 years since the incident and society is in shambles but is slowly progressing.


Technology: The technology of this world is at least a few decades ahead of anything we have today. There is power but everything must now be created by hand and only with previously held knowledge or that knowledge must come someone who knows how to do it or a primary source. However not many textbooks are left in the world and no one knows exactly why. Rumor has it the faction collected them all to keep any one person from knowing too much. Knowledge is power after all.


Inhabitants: The inhabitants of this world are humans, animals and anything else typically found on Earth except with the added possibility of cybernetic and genetic enhancements.


Main Story/Pitch: As people are trying to rebuild and develop a new society to replace the one they’ve lost, orphan Jeremy Reese Taylor is on another one of his famed expeditions to the outskirts of the settlement he lives in. JRT starts to hear stories  about his parents and they might have had something to do with the world going to hell. Intrigued and never one to miss out on an adventure he grabs his two friends Rhiannon and Harrison and set off on a fact finding mission. Little does he know what awaits him might be too much to handle. Conspiracy, Betrayal, Adventure and Horror awaits JRT and his friends. Will they survive? Will they find the answers they seek? Are JRT’s parents really dead? Play the game to find out.


Rafaela- Game Story

In a world where the ozone layer has broken, humans are forced inside and under a layer of metallic sky.  The year is 3030 in New York City, where we meet Sabel Hunter, a law enforcement rookie, teamed with veteran grumpy man Frank Bryant are tasked with guarding environmentalist and adventurer Brittney Goulash.  They must traverse through the tunnels, labelled, Subterranean, avoid the AboveGround mutants, and find inhabitable life somewhere in the state.  You and Sabel Hunter, police enforcement rookies teamed with veteran enforcer Frank Bryant.

You: Rookie cop, graduated with Sabel, seeking to find the perfect meal.

Sabel: 23 years, just graduated from Academy, hiding her past (dum dum dum!)

Frank: 57 years, widow with a dark past, wife was victim to notorious rapist and serial killer Sky.

Conflict: Teamed to bodyguard environmentalist Brittney Goulash, who is attempting to find ways to fix what is broken.  She wants to go Above.  They travers the Subway system, called Subterranean, to find inhabitable lands in NYC.

Rafaela- World Building

The place:

Far future New York, year 3030.  The sun has become a toxic mess, the ozone layer is broken, so we must stay underground.  The world we know is a layer of metal sky, protecting us by the sun and storing solar energy to run the cities.  There is projection technology that imitates night and day, and tunnels connect cities (towns are lost causes, and very few shoot off into each tunnel, usually bandits, smugglers, and crazies).  Apartments are small and minimalistic, with a flow of technology that lives in the hub (truly Google headquarters).  Food is vitamin-like at the most, flavorless—protein bars, nutrition drinks, chemically made stuff.  The people are weaker than normal, but gyms are available but highly regulated to prevent excessive muscularity (resource regulation).

Those who can survive aboveground are contaminated and have a layer of plastic-like skin over their features, small inset eyes like a mole, and robust because they have true food.  Plants can still survive, animals are dead, but cannibalism isn’t frowned upon Above.