Monthly Archives: September 2017

Hobby – Akash

Hobby Algorithm – Fishing
STEP 1: First you have to go shopping if you don’t own a fishing pole, keep it simple; all you need is a cane, fiberglass or graphite pole, available at a bait shop or discount store. Also buy a small spool of monofilament fishing line, a couple of plastic bobbers, some split shot sinkers and some hooks. A small tackle box with divided trays and a carrying handle keeps it all organized.
STEP 2: Bait. You can buy minnows, night crawlers, red worms and crickets at a bait shop. Other baits work, too. Saltwater fish love shrimp, dead or alive. Trout will bite kernel corn and cheese. Catfish will eat pieces of Ivory soap! Carry your bait in a small plastic bucket.
STEP 3: Cut off a length of line about a foot longer than the length of your pole. Wrap an end around the tip of your pole and tie it tightly.
STEP 4: Match a hook to your bait. Tie the hook to the opposite end of the line using a knot that won’t slip. Bad knots lose good fish.
STEP 5: You’re ready for the fishing hole. If you live near the coast, you can catch all kinds of saltwater fish around piers and large rocks close to shore. If you live inland, a pond is your best bet; most ponds are loaded with bluegills and bass.
STEP 6: Try bobber-fishing. After baiting your hook, attach the bobber above your line, simply extend the pole out over the water and lower it. Keep the pole horizontal to the water and hold it steady.
STEP 7: Wait for the fish to bite. Fishing takes patience! It’s common for fish to take several minutes to find your baited hook. Watch your bobber. If it jumps or shakes, a fish is nibbling your bait!
STEP 8: When the bobber goes completely under the surface, set the hook by raising the pole quickly. Then point your pole straight up in the air, so the fish swings to you.
STEP 9: Handle with care! Most fish you’ll catch from shore don’t have sharp teeth, but many have spiny fins. Grasp the fish gently but firmly behind the head as shown. Use needle-nose pliers to remove the hook.
STEP 10: Take a photo of your catch.

Hobby – Andy

Hobby Algorithm-How to Screen-print.

[Step 1] Gather materials from amazon or your local arts and craft store: (Printed design on transparent film, Screen mesh with frame, screen-print water based ink, 250 watt bulb with lamp, photo emulsion, 2 squeegees, screen tape, Heat gun, pressure washer, and a dark room with a filtered bulb.
[Step 2] Screen Preparation: Go to the dark room with the screen mesh, photo emulsion, squeegee, and pour a healthy amount of emulsion over the screen mesh. Use the squeegee and swipe up and down to evenly spread the emulsion across the screen. Use the squeegee to swipe away excess emulsion. Wait 15-20 minutes for the emulsion to dry and clean the squeegee.
[Step 3] Film Transfer: Go to the dark room with the transparent design, the 250 watt bulb, screen tape, and take the dried emulsion screen out. Place the transparent design film on the center of the screen mesh and use the screen tape to secure the design. Switch on the 250 watt lamp and hang it directly over your transparent design. Wait 10 minutes, take the film off and switch off the lamp.
[Step 4] Exposing the design: Go outside with the exposed design and pressure washer. Plug in the washer, aim it at the center of the screen, and switch it on. Hold down the trigger, spray up and down the screen until design is exposed. Wait 10 minutes for screen to dry and put away pressure washer.
[Step 5] Printing: Place desired item on flat surface, place screen over desired item and pour ink over the screen. Use the squeegee and swipe up once to flood ink through the screen. Lay screen on desired item and with the squeegee swipe down firmly to push the ink through the screen.
[Step 6] Drying: Lift the screen up and switch on the heat gun. Aim it at the design and keep the heat gun about a foot away from the design. Do this for 5 minutes and clean up.
Repeat [Steps 1-4] for a different design.
Repeat [Steps 5-6] until you’re happy.

Hobby – Rafaela

How to braid hair algorithm

Hair braiding is a fun pastime that results in a clean and manageable hairstyle. One can leave a braid dangling down the back, braid hair many times to look more punk rock, braid small sections to add mystery, or twist a thick braid into a professional bun. Braiding becomes fast and simpler the more one practices, so grab some hair and have at it!
Note: To partake in this hobby, one must have hair that is longer than 1 inch to get a full enjoyment out of this activity.

Materials needed:
Hair that is longer than 1 inch (the longer the better!)
Hairbrush or comb
Hair bands to contain hair after braiding
Hairspray (optional)
See notes below

1) Grab a handful of hair
a. Option one: The whole head of hair secured at the base of the head with a thin band until one is more advanced in braiding. (Only available if hair reaches past the base of one’s neck)
b. Option two: A section of the hair. It is recommended that you then separate this section whether with its own band or by moving the rest of the hair aside.

2) Comb selected hair, making sure to remove all knots.

3) Separate selected section of hair into 3 equally thick parts, leaving the middle piece dangling. (Optional: Spray separate pieces with hairspray to minimize fly-away hairs)

4) Take one of the outer pieces, twist it over the middle piece and grab middle piece.

5) Second outer piece over new middle piece, grab middle piece.

6) Pull new outer pieces gently to tighten into shape

7) Repeat steps 4-6 until you’ve reached about half an inch from the end of the hair or until you cannot twist the hair anymore.

8) Secure with rubber band. (Optional: Spray with hairspray to maintain shape and minimize fly-away hairs)

• Ribbons can be included to add color. Simply add it to one of your sections and twist it in with the same section of hair every time.
• Large barrettes and bows can be added to the top or bottom of braid to make it fancier.
• Small, light clips can be added at intervals of the twists in the middle to make it elegant.

Hobby – Waley

Hobby Algorithm to Reading Manga for the First Time
1. When reading your first manga, start at the back side of the book. This is mandatory because manga is written and read from right to left instead of left to right.
2. Open the book and flip the pages until you reach the first page that has multiple panels of drawing and text bubbles.
3. Start by reading the upper right panel of the first page.
4. When reading the text bubbles, read it from right to left, up to down.
5. After you finish reading the first panel, read the next panel adjacent to the panel you just finish reading.
6. Sometimes, there will multiple panels below the panel you just read. In this case, you must read these panels before reading the adjacent panel.
7. Turn the page and repeat steps 4-6 until you reach the last page.
8. Congratulation. You now know how to read manga.

Hobby – Kerolos

Hobby Algorithm to Riding a Bike
Step 1
Get a bike or build one if that’s your kind of thing.
Step 2
Sit on the bike seat facing the direction of the handle bars.
Step 3
Put 1 foot on the ground and the other on petal to the appropriate side.
Step 4
Push yourself with the bike with the foot that is placed on the ground.
Step 5
Push your other foot to a forward angle if the pedal is up or pointing forward do the opposite if the petal is pointing downwards.
Step 6
Place the foot that you used for pushing on the other petal.
Step 7
Push the pedal down when it comes up on either side.
Step 8
Hit an obstacle because you’re paying too much attention to everything on the ground or checking your phone or because you’re going down a narrow path that seems scary and you tell yourself you’re not making that without damage.
Step 9
Do steps 1-8 repeatedly and you will start to relax a bit.
Step 10
Go to a bike lane in New York and yell at people that start to chill walk on the bike lane like there suppose to because you have the right to.

Hobby – Darius

Hobby Algorithm For Vlogging

Get a camera or Open up the Camera app on your phone/tablet (Tripod Optional)
Point the lens towards you, making sure you are properly framed
Set the exposure and focus then lock it (tap and hold on iphone, slide finger up and down)
Thing of what you want to talk about, or what you want to film about your day
Hit record and start talking, getting establishing shot of where you are and what you’re doing.
Stop recording. Rewatch the video to make sure you got everything you wanted.
Get to a computer to transfer your files onto flash drive or portable hard drive.
Open the footage in your editing program of choice, iMovie works great.
Cut and trim your footage to your liking
Find a cool background song (no vocals) to add to your vlog. Make sure the audio level is less than you vlog level. This will cover any hum or background environment noise.
Export your video in at least 720p to your storage device.
Upload your video to your youtube channel or any social media of choice
Enjoy your vlog!

Hobby – Rachel

Hobby Algorithm of fixing IPhone Screens

1) Clean the screen properly, if the screen is cracked place clear tape all over the screen.
2) Unscrew the screws near the charging port.
3) Pull out the screen using a sucker, it easily comes out.
4) Take out the metal bar which covers the connectors, which is connected to the motherboard.
5) Unscrew all the screws from the large metal bar that is located in the back of the screen, that protects the LCD.
6) Remove the screw that holds the home button securely.
7) Pick the new screen and place the metal bar on the new screen. Place and screw all the screws in the appropriate locations.
8) Place the home button and secure it with the screws.
9) Connect the connectors onto the motherboard and place the small metal on top of the connectors to avoid shock.
10) Secure the screen onto the housing.
11) Switch on the IPhone and you are able to use to it.

Albano – Mouhamed

Worksheet for GDV talk by Heather Albano

1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.

Parser interactive fiction games are classic story-telling, where a text parser takes typed input or a command from the player and simplifies it to something the game can understand. Games such as the famous Zork series, a player can type things like “take lamp” “take painting”. Meanwhile, a choose your path interactive fiction games there’s no text parsing, only a set of branching narratives. When the player selects a choice or option, the story continues with a new section of the story and this will continue until an ending is reached.

2. Name an example of a parser game.

An example of parser game is Zork I.

3. Name an example of a choose your own path game.

An example of choose your own path is The Cave of Time

4. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?
Infocom, the primary producer of IF games sold the company to Activision, who then shut down the Infocom division in 1989.

5. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?

Interactive fiction games rely heavily on text to communicate characters, story and the environment of the game. A lot of time and effort must be invested by game programmers making the words powerful and descriptive enough to communicate the atmosphere of the game. Heather Albano gives her example from the game “with those we love alive”.

6. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?

Heather Albano says that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary because without graphic or an infinite amount of space for text to cover every detail, ambiguity is necessary for the player’s imagination to cover some of the details.

7. What’s important about complicity?

Complicity, define as the player’s ownership in the plot, is important because it allows the player to interact with the story and feel as if their choices actually affects the narrative of the game.

Albano – Andy

1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game. Both have a chunk of text, but parser offers you a cursor where you type your action and C.Y.P. offers multiple options for you to pick.

2. Name an example of a parser game.
Zork I by infocom

3. Name an example of a choose your own path game.
The cave of time
4. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?
It paved the road for games with graphics.

5. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use? She explains the significance of words and how they must be powerful and meaningful because of the limited amount. She uses an example from “With Those We Love Alive” by porpentine, 32 words that explain or imply a lot of detail. It forces the player to engage or try to be a detective and work off limited information.

6. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?
With limited capabilities, every detail cannot be covered through text. Ambiguity is necessary because it allows the player to be more involved by drawing their own conclusions and interpretations.

7. What’s important about complicity? It’s the essence of interactive fiction, although the ending might be preordained, the choices the player makes are impactful. Player should have the feeling of “I made it happened”.

Hobby Algorithm – Sana Essa

How to roller skate?
Step 1: Get Roller skates and Protective gear.
Step 2: You are likely to fall, so have someone next to you in the beginning.
Step 3: Put on your roller skates
Step 4: Have someone hold your hand and try to keep your balance as you stand.
Step 5: Bend your a knees a little and try to push lightly with one leg
Step 6: try to glide use your legs to give that push, and whatever you do don’t get too nervous because than your all over the place, which means your going to hit the floor multiple times.
Step 7: Use one leg to push than the other till you are roller skating.