Syllabi and Assignments

Here is an assignment I gave to my Introduction to Food and Beverage class, in which I had them learn about regional menu items across the globe. The purpose of thisĀ  assignment was to increase studentsā€™ culinary vocabulary, and after a semester of concentrating on ā€œingredientsā€Ā  this was a way to hone in on what happens to thoseĀ  ingredients. I gave the students an example from New Jersey about Sloppy Joes. I have included 2 examples of student work as well.

Menu Item Pres. sp 2023 SLOPPY JOES- not what you think they are MUFFALETTA HMGT 1102 (1)

SLOPPY JOES- not what you think they are


Stephanie-Hummingbird-Cake (2)Ā  This was especially fun because the student baked a hummingbird cake and brought it to class.

Below is a PowerPoint I created for the Internship class, in which graduating with a professional resume is a requirement. I find getting students to understand the importance of a good resume is difficult at a time when entry-level jobs are plentiful and they perhaps already found employment easily with their existing resume. I try to get them to think of their futures, when they are applying for management jobs and competing with other college graduates who may have polished resumes. Making your resume great

Here is a sample of a PowerPoint assigned during the on-line Spring 2020 semester at the height of the pandemic.Ā  Ordinarily, the class would have gone to the Museum of Modern Art and found works that we later would have interpreted into plate design the following week. Ā REV food & art due April 16

Here are some sample syllabi: Ā Ā  Ā FALL 2023 1102 Syllabus

THUR4802 Stewart fall 2023

I once attended a workshop concerning how City Tech students studied at home and under what conditions, and two things struck me. The first was how far many students commute, and how much of their day is spent negotiating the subway and the logistics of going to and from school and work. The other truth I learned was how little access students have to printers at home, and how much they attempt to do on their phones because home computers are often shared and offer no privacy. I began introducing more online work, (that did not need to be printed) but I have also worked to make assignments that demand critical thinking skills. I first learned I had to design assignments that begged a “reaction,” or an opinion; something unique and a discouragement to cutting and pasting.Ā Ā 

Ā I added this assignment to replace the points associated with going to a museum once the college switched to distance-learning in spring 2020. I tried to find interactive activities for the students that would not tax their family’s access to computers.Ā 

REVISED podcast asmt replace MOFAD