Category: Announcements (Page 3 of 5)

Info for Monday’s class! (quiz, etc.)

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Don’t forget!  Tomorrow’s class will start with a QUIZ covering “Parties and Claims” (ch. 4), “Causes of Action and Remedies” (ch. 5), “Commencing the Action” (ch. 8).  As always, review all of your own class notes, the class notes posted here under the “Class Notes” tab, the assigned readings, and any other materials you find useful, bring your CPLR, and arrive on time!

PLEASE bring your copy of the CUH2A Architects v. Pepsico complaint (linked under “class notes”).  We’ll work with it!  Also, under the “Assignments” tab, I’ve posted answer keys for the assignments on chapter 11 and questions 1-4 in the Summons & Complaint assignment that you completed for this past Wednesday.

See you tomorrow!

Prof. C.

INFO for federal trial and Monday’s quiz!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Monday’s quiz will cover material from the midterm exam through the end of today’s class, so: “Parties and Claims” (ch. 4), “Causes of Action and Remedies” (ch. 5), “Commencing the Action” (ch. 8), plus the definitions of “summons” and “complaint” we discussed today.  As always, review all of your own class notes, the class notes posted here under the “Class Notes” tab, the assigned readings, and any other materials you find useful, and bring your CPLR.

If you’d like to observe the federal civil trial tomorrow in Manhattan (Thursday, April 4), you are welcome to meet me near the turnstiles inside the the 259 Adams St. entrance to City Tech (near the entrance to the bookstore,  Pearl and General Buildings) at 9:45am then we’ll walk to the 4/5 train and take it  to the Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall stop.  OR you can travel to the courthouse on your own, at any time, website is here and street address is below.  The trial is Morgan v. United States, Docket No. 14 Civ. 7921 (DCF), in Magistrate Judge Freeman’s courtroom, number 17A (on the 17th floor).  I’ll leave the courthouse about noon to return to City Tech by 12:45pm, you’ll be welcome to join me or you can stay as long as you’d like!  (They have a great cafeteria.)  If you plan to attend the trial, it would be great if you could email me to let me know so I can keep an eye out for you, but if you decide last minute to attend, that’s fine, you can just show up!

Please note: this is VOLUNTARY and you may NOT miss other class(es) to attend.

Here are the pretrial briefs of the plaintiff, Mr. Morgan (the prisoner) and the defendant, the US government, that summarize each side’s arguments in the case, in case you’d like to read them.

See you tomorrow, and/or enjoy the rest of the week and the weekend!

Prof. C.


United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse
500 Pearl Street
New York, NY 10007-1312

Assignment due today! and federal trial info!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I hope you enjoyed your “class-free” day yesterday!  Don’t forget to submit the assignment in lieu of yesterday’s class in my mailbox in N622 by 5pm today to earn credit for attending the class AND as a homework assignment.

Thank you for your responses regarding the federal trial!  See description below.  If you’re interested and available (i.e., you do not have another class during this time), we’ll go this Thursday, April 4, leaving City Tech 9:45am and returning by 12:45pm.  We’ll discuss details in tomorrow’s class.

See you then!

Prof. C.

Description of opportunity to observe a federal trial:

We have been cordially invited by the federal court judge presiding over the trial described below, at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of NY (in Manhattan).  It sounds really interesting, and we might get a “behind the scenes” chance to meet the Judge!  This can count as your observation for the assignment.

“The plaintiff is a prisoner who started off pro se, but who now has a team of associates at a major firm representing him pro bono for trial.  The defendant is the United States government.  The basis of the claim is that federal corrections officers committed the tort of battery by using excessive force against the plaintiff when they allegedly removed, by force, contraband (packets of tobacco and ketamine, placed in a condom) that he had tried to hide in his anus. He doesn’t deny having the contraband, or trying to secret it — he’s only claiming that it was removed from his body in an unreasonable manner.   The officers deny using force — they say it fell out and they picked it up off the floor.  Very readily understandable issues for students!”

not meaning to pressure everyone. Buttt…

There are a lot of write in positions for the student government .I’m not going to say whom but I wrote in a few names. For. Senator, there’s also an opening for a chief Justice  Would appreciate if people could write my name in for Student Government Senator of Accessibility. For obvious reasons, accessibility is my thing, so it makes sense.

IMPORTANT! Observe a federal trial next week!

Ladies and Gentlemen!  If you are available (do not have another class) next Wednesday afternoon April 3 after class (leave City Tech about 1pm) or Thursday morning until about 12:30pm, and would like to observe a federal court trial in Manhattan, please email me ASAP!  We have been cordially invited by the federal court judge presiding over the trial described below at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of NY (in Manhattan) to come in and observe it next week.  It sounds really interesting!   And we’d probably get a “behind the scenes” chance to meet the Judge!  This can count as your observation for the assignment.  If you want to go, email me ASAP!


Prof. C.

The plaintiff is a prisoner who started off pro se, but who now has a team of associates at a major firm representing him pro bono for trial.  The defendant is the United States (it’s an FTCA claim).  The basis of the claim is that federal corrections officers committed the tort of battery by using excessive force against the plaintiff when they allegedly removed, by force, contraband (packets of tobacco and ketamine, placed in a condom) that he had tried to hide in his anus. He doesn’t deny having the contraband, or trying to secret it — he’s only claiming that it was removed from his body in an unreasonable manner.   The officers deny using force — they say it fell out and they picked it up off the floor.  Very readily understandable issues for students!  

In Unrelated News

In an unrelated topic, on Wed 04/03 immediately following class..i will be running ALLLLL the way over to Grace Gallery to speak on a round table concerning Gender & Sexuality.. And for those who didn’t get it, Grace Gallery is right across from. The bathrooms on the 11th floor. Should make an interesting transition from class.

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