Good rainy afternoon!
I have posted everyone’s midterm exam grades and mid-semester status! (P=currently passing, BL=borderline, U=unsatisfactory/currently unlikely to pass the course) Check out the GradeBooks for both courses. The midterm exam grades do not include extra credit points for “Our Stories,” Justice Ginsburg, or legal news posts (They DO include points for the bonus questions on the exams.) Students who earned points for those posts may choose to add them to either exam grade, or divide them between the two exams, or save some or all of them to add to your final exam grade. Let me know what you’d like to do! Otherwise I’ll just add all of your points to your lower exam grade.
We will meet for class tomorrow! Civ Pro, 2:30-5pm. As noted under “Assignments,” please read C&W chs. 5 & 6 (on Blackboard), and by 1pm tomorrow, please email me a short response or question(s) that show that you read and thought about the material. Remember, these pre-class emails are not accepted late!
Thank you, to those who met with me about your research for our collaborative assignment! I have no more available times for the meetings required for that assignment. If you did not meet with me, you will need to identify a legal source on your own.
Don’t forget to vote! I voted yesterday, it was (relatively) quick and easy, and EXTREMELY empowering! I got on the line at City Tech about 1:30pm and it was loooooooooooong but it moved quickly, so I was finished in less than one hour! And I got prizes, see photo below! Early voting continues through Sunday Nov. 1, or you can vote on Election Day, Tuesday Nov. 3, and you can drop off absentee ballots at any of the early voting sites or your county’s Board of Elections office without waiting on a line on any of those days. Find out your assigned site for voting early or on Election Day (Tuesday) at If you have questions about any of this, let me know and I’ll help you if I can! 
Have a lovely afternoon and evening, see you tomorrow 2:30pm!
Prof. C