COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Category: Student Posts (Page 3 of 3)

Sadman Hafiz- Week 2 Response

After reading the articles I want to write a little bit about the importance of signs in a language. Both Course in linguistics and Counting sheep signify the role of signs and how it relates to the language we speak. Language can be a tricky subject; I have some friends who are from the same country but from different regions of the country. They have the same language but due to the different regions, the same exact language varies to a level that some of them canā€™t even understand one another. Just a little tweak in the same language can make it sound like a completely different language. Signs on the other hand can be very specific due to their history, signs are a form of communication through visual representation. Iā€™m personally a visual learner, I learn and memorize better when I see any forms of visuals compared to written statements, and not just me I believe visual learning is the most effective among individuals compared to other methods. I believe signs make communication a little easier, probably why we see a lot of signs on the road, large institutions, hospitals, tourist spots, etc. where not everyone speaks the same language.

The readings state that language can be changed but their history remains the same and fundamental basics of communication always remain the same. As I said earlier signs are much easier to understand for most people than verbal communication but that doesnā€™t mean that everyone understands them. A basic communication technique we see in signs is the implementation of different colors, the most common ones being ā€“ red, green, and yellow. Almost everyone can tell that red in most cases will mean danger and green means safe, it is applicable for almost everything whether itā€™s for road signals or exit signs on buildings.

The design itself can be a form of language which I believe communicates better than an actual language. Design is a form of non-verbal communication; it is more effective in communication compared to a verbal language for most people especially when they donā€™t speak the same language. Signs are also forms of designs, which are developed to speak or give direction in a non-verbal manner. The overall design is most effective because it speaks to individuals of different cultures, languages, races, and ethnicity in a way that none of the existing language can.

Sadman Hafiz- What is Design?

For me personally, design is something fresh something new, a form of work that makes communication very easy for everyone. Design can be described as a universal language a visual language that can be understood by anyone regardless of what language they speak. The work you see on top is something I created when I was a freshman in college. The task was to create a logo that defines a word, every student worked with different words and my word was ā€œAgeā€. At first, I thought it would be very easy to come up with a logo that defines age, but when I started, I realized how hard it will be. Ā When my professor said I must think about being a 5-year-old to a 70-year-old man to create a logo for his word I was very confused and couldnā€™t think of anything. She also said that the logo must appeal to different generations of individuals, both kids, and older citizens. The first thing I thought of was to create a cartoonish illustrated logo but using the word itself, so it appeals to both generations. I turned the letters a g and e to a cartoonish face of an old person with glasses, cartoon aspect was kept in hopes of reaching out to the younger audience while the old face was to gain attention from older audiences. After a few rejections from the professor, I was finally able to make something that she wanted and something that made both the professor and my classmates very curious. My idea of what design is can be best described through this work, I have created or designed other things throughout the college semesters but I think this is a perfect example to show while answering this question.

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