COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Author: Ebony Derrick (Page 3 of 3)

Week 1 Response

According to Helen Armstrong and Bruno Munari, design plays an important role in our everyday lives. Though design isn’t a popular topic or choice of passion, it allows us to use our creativity skills in the digital and real world. As things continue to change in our world, there’s always new designs being created that causes different types of attraction and attention. The core of where we get our creative ideas from is from within us.

Technology allows designers to have a lead and be ahead of the game when it comes to design. It changes the competition of design with technology, there comes great skills. It’ll be harder for someone to create a design that lacking the experience than it will be for someone that have the skills and experience with the program. It also allows designers to create a more cleaner design the more advanced their skills are.

Though many people associate design with art, design is something that requires a certain level of creativity and inspiration. The process of how to use the program for design can be taught to anyone but the skills to create something so unique isn’t something that everyone would have. The creativity of any designer allows the designer to create a piece that’s relatable, helpful, emotional, and simple all in one and can also catch a variety of viewer’s attentions.

An urgent problem that designers face so often today are the constant changes and updates of a program that they’re using to design a piece. It makes it harder to adapt to something new in such a short time while trying to meet the deadline. As more problems started to surface, designers feared that they’ll loose their jobs and businesses. They soon realized that art and design has no limit and could be done in any way, it allowed newer types of techniques to be created.

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