This week’s asynchronous discussion will look back at the manifestos we’ve read, and look forward to the future of design.
The objective for this discussion is to compose your own design manifesto (or at least some pieces for it). Use short declarative statements to define the philosophy, intentions and requirements for the designer of today. State the social, political and ethical questions that are necessary for a designer to consider. Identify the technological concerns that designers must embrace or reject. Don’t shy away from poetics or abstraction. Feel free to re-write passages from the Futurist and Constructivist manifestos that we’ve read.
If you’d like some additional inspiration, I highly recommend Mike Monteiro’s recent piece, A Designer’s Code of Ethics, which is something of a manifesto for today, and can be found HERE.
Try to compose at least 3 or 4 statements for your new manifesto. Feel free to place them in an image, compose a concrete poem, or just type them up. Then put them into a new Post.
Please also comment on at least 3 of your peers’ posts.
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