COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Discussion 2b: What is Design?

I think design is born to meet the human nature of liking “beauty”. After human beings meet the basic needs of survival, they will begin to pursue “beauty”. People begin to see beautiful things, use beautiful objects and even eat beautiful food. Design exists to make beautiful things. After the birth of design, the new profession of the designer was born. The responsibility of the designer is to make design works in line with the public’s aesthetics according to the requirements of customers. However, I think an excellent designer needs to have his own values and should not work only for money. If a designer does everything for money, Then I think he is not a designer, but more like a tool.

There are many kinds of designers, but I think they can be divided into two categories. One is the designer who designs based on the public’s aesthetics, and the other is the designer who designs based on personal aesthetics. Now most designers design according to the public’s aesthetic standards, and their works will be loved by the public. Another kind of designer who designs things based on personal aesthetics is to design from his own point of view of art and beauty. This kind of designer may not be liked by the public in a short time, but the public may accept this “heterogeneous” design after a period of time and finally promote the development of the design.


  1. Lin Chao Chao

    I totally agree with you on the point that a good designer needs to have his own values. If you go to work for money, it’s like a robot. Just like our shopping software, we enter our requirements and categories and the software automatically finds the right items for us based on our requirements.

  2. Nathalie Quito

    Hey! When reading the beginning of the post, what came to mind was fine art. I feel like fine art is the purpose of achieving beauty, for example, a portrait or still life. Perhaps in my point of view, design is more rigid and geometric compared to trying to be aesthetically beautiful to the eye. Though, I do agree that it needs to be aesthetically pleasing to catch an audience and thus make the design effective.

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