Heller mentioned in his article “the underground mainstream” that the concept of mainstream and underground is relevant in contemporary design, because most of the mainstream culture comes from the modified underground culture. I believe that there is no distinction between mainstream culture and underground culture at the beginning, but for some reason, one culture is liked by more people and gradually forms the mainstream culture. However, this culture cannot remain unchanged all the time, because people’s favorite things will change after experiencing different things, so the mainstream culture needs to be updated, from the initial self-renewal to the later absorption of “underground culture”. Therefore, there is no essential difference between the concept of mainstream and underground. It is only different culture in itself, but the influence of mainstream culture is still greater than that of underground culture. That is because mainstream culture is more accessible, so some artists and followers of underground culture will also make a lot of efforts to expand their influence. In the article “Music Of Comparison Mainstream And Underground Music Essay” it is written that there are plenty of underground artists who have gone mainstream. …. Artists choose to leave and go mainstream for their own individual, personal reasons. It’s possible; the underground had done all it could for an artist, and mainstream was the only way to satisfy their personal desires as a musician. “With the efforts of many underground culture artists, the influence of underground culture they support may gradually become larger until into a new mainstream culture.

My final presentation will introduce Seymour Chwast’s works. Seymour Chwast is a famous graphic designer in the United States. He is famous for his diversified works. He shows many social phenomena and personal ideas through rich colors and humorous cartoon style, which belongs to one of Expressionism. Expressionism has been popular for a long time, but at the end of World War II, with the rise of the international Typographic Style, expressionism began to become underground. However, with the rise of the postmodern art movement, modernism has become the mainstream culture again. Seymour Chwast created many excellent works with cartoon-style expressionism.

“Music Of Comparison Mainstream And Underground Music Essay.” UKEssays. ukessays.com, November 2018. Web. 21 April 2022. <https://www.ukessays.com/essays/music/music-of-comparison-mainstream-and-underground-music-essay.php?vref=1>.