COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Yiqiang Wang-Discussion 11

  1. The designer I’m interested in is Seymour Chwast
  2. Seymour Chwast’s works have strong colors and humorous cartoon style. Although his works are relatively simple in form, if you look carefully, you will find that there are many deep meanings and personal ideas. It is these characteristics of Seymour Chwast’s works that attract me.
  3. Seymour Chwast founded push pin studios with several other designers in 1954. Seymour Chwast created many unique illustration styles and unconventional works during his studio.
  4. Seymour Chwast’s works have many deep meanings, so it is very helpful for me to read about semiotics and analyze the information in images.
  5. The rhetoric of the image by Roland Barthes and the course in general linguistics by Ferdinand de sausurre are my favorite readings in this class
  6. Now it is still difficult for me to design my own theory, but I will do more research and try my best to formulate my own theory.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Matthew C. Lange

    Yes Yiqiang, please think about the work of Seymour Chwast! Everything you’ve noted is really spot on, and that is why his work could be great for this presentation.

    Your next task is to focus in on a particular project, or a specific aspect of Chwast’s work that you would like to address. Start by remembering that we should be concentrating on work created after 1982. It’s ok to reference earlier projects, but your focus should really remain in the last 40 years.

    There are also a couple ways to go about. You could think thematically – identifying some of the themes or ideas in the work that resonate most for you. Maybe it’s the religious symbolism? Or the more political images? Or the literary? You could then limit those to something like ‘book covers using Christian iconography’ or ‘anti-war posters’. There are really MANY possibilities along these lines. Or you could focus on a particular project or aspect of Chwast’s work, such as ‘covers for The Nose Magazine’ or the “Pushpinoff” product line.

    Again, Chwast has made a lot of work that you can choose from. Thinking about any of it in terms of linguistics or rhetoric should make for a great presentation. I’m sure your own theory will come as you start to focus on a particular aspect of the work.

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