I took pictures of the first couple pages with my notes along the side. Overall, I defined terms that didn’t make sense to me or words that I’ve never heard before. The reading was quite dense and difficult to understand so I had a hard time grasping information. However, I think the some points did make a lot of sense to me and where I understood is where I commented.
Some of my comments include(just in case my handwriting is unclear)
“There are many signs that this one image can evoke. My initial thoughts were that someone had just come from the market with fresh vegetables. The bag made me think of a market that’s outside and also, it’s a type of bag that someone reuses often.”
“To understand the message/image you must have basic human knowledge. Children learn images at the age of 4 so they wouldn’t be able to fully grasp the image if they were younger. However, I think children do understand images and how to associate words and sounds with images from ages 2-3 not just at the start of age 4. I have 2 nieces under the age of 4 and they know what a tomato is but maybe they can’t grasp the whole image or are unable to give the image context.”
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