COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Discussion #2: What is Design?

  1. To me design is when something is original that give the the information that the designer wants the viewer to see.
  2. Design is important because it’s something that we all take in inspiration and information. It’s also something that sets each designer and company apart from each other, each design and logo help to represent something different and unique so it’s easier to tell companies and designers apart.
  3. Good design is useful, eye-catching, informative, and easy to understand. The thought process of the entire design from the font to the type to the colors being used is what help to create a good design. Bad design is when there’s little to no information given and when there’s distractions from the purpose of the design.

1 Comment

  1. Faye Wang

    Hey Ebony, I have same view as you that good design should be useful and eye-catching. Because design serves for people in many field. Making people life easier or to help people achieve any certain goal should be the most significant purpose in design.

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