This week’s two articles, written by Armstrong and Munari, are about designers respond in a changing era. Armstrong mentioned art and designers in different periods in his article. In the early 20th century, people thought that society at that time became corrupt because of the class systems and subjective thoughts, so they began to deal with problems from an objective perspective. This also changed the design style at that time into a modernist art style that pursues practicality, functionality, and order. After the war, people yearned for a peaceful and stable life because of the impact of the war. This also led to the popularity of the international typography style that pursues simplicity, clarity, and practicality at that time. At this time, designers maintained a more neutral position, Focusing on highlighting the content itself in the design, rather than the designer’s personal style. In the 1970s and 1980s, due to personal styles being suppressed for a long time, people began to resist objectivity and turned to the post-modernist art style, which admired individual style and innovation. Therefore, there were much design works with obvious personal style in the society at that time. In these more than 100 years, the artistic style has changed many times, and designers need to constantly adjust their own technology and ideas in order to create design works that can meet the style at that time. According to Munari’s article, he believes that the goal of designers is to please and solve customers’ problems, so the focus is to satisfy the client rather than to satisfy the designer himself. I think this is the difference between designers and other types of creativity, because other types of creativity mainly create their own things according to their own ideas, What designers do is use their own design knowledge to help customers create things that meet customer requirements.

Designers should concern themselves with unsolvable theoretical questions.  Because when designers think about problems, they can be inspired to have new questions and new ideas. Only in this way can they constantly think about problems and solve problems, so as to contribute to the development of the design.

The most pressing problem facing designers today is that they can’t really express themselves. In today’s Internet age, there are too many contents, designers’ works are difficult to be found, and their works are easy to be stolen. But I believe that as long as the designer’s ability is good enough, he is not afraid that excellent works will not be discovered. In addition, I think the rapid development of science and technology may also have an impact on some designers because the development of science and technology has produced a lot of design software, which may be a good thing for young designers because it makes the design more convenient and simple, but it may have a great impact on some older designers, Because they are not familiar with these design software, they need to learn again.