Prof Anmol Dhamrait | COMD2300-E098 | Spring 24

Author: TJ (Page 4 of 5)

Part D: Personal Logo Black and White Exploration

These new logos are completely different from what i previously had because these new logos i tried to involve more characters. i will most likely work on the hand logo and the logo with the two legs because those logos defines what i want to put out into this world.

The logo with the legs is a character that i made and i wanted to involve this in my logo to show my self as a cartoonist. It wasn’t hard for me to figure out this logo because i want a logo to scream out Cartoonist without yelling. this logo looks great in black n white also because as the name ” TJTEARS” is my artist name, the character adds a gentle vibe.

The hand logo is my second option that i would like to use, this logo has a representation of me using my hands to do my art. its more like a originality. its suppose to represent uniqueness. that what i draw and portray out into this world is completely and 100% me.

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