Assignment Overview:

In this assignment, students will collaborate in teams to create an effective social media campaign for the launch of a new product. Through designing captivating posts, crafting compelling copy, and strategizing campaign execution across various platforms, students will gain practical experience in orchestrating a successful digital marketing effort. The assignment highlights the importance of comprehending the target audience’s online behavior and preferences.


  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of social media marketing and its impact on product launches.
  • Apply creative thinking and design skills to craft visually appealing and engaging social media posts.
  • Enhance copywriting abilities to create persuasive and audience-centric content.
  • Strategically plan and execute a cohesive campaign across different social media platforms.
  • Analyze and adapt to the preferences and behavior of the target audience in the digital realm.

Assignment Components:

1. Product Selection and Audience Analysis (10%)

  • Transform an OOH campaign and define the target audience.
  • Conduct thorough research to understand the audience’s demographics, interests, online habits, and preferred social media platforms.

2. Campaign Strategy and Concept (30%)

  • Develop a comprehensive campaign strategy that outlines goals, key messages, and desired outcomes.
  • Create a campaign concept that resonates with the target audience and aligns with the product’s unique selling points.

3. Visual Design and Content Creation (30%)

  • Design a series of visually appealing social media posts that align with the campaign concept.
  • Craft engaging copy for each post, focusing on delivering the message effectively and sparking audience interest.

4. Platform-Specific Implementation (30%)

  • Plan the distribution of posts across different social media platforms, tailoring content to suit each platform’s format and audience expectations.
  • Consider timing, frequency, and engagement strategies for each platform.

Submission Guidelines:

  • A deck outlining the chosen product and target audience.
  • Campaign strategy document detailing goals, key messages, and desired outcomes.
  • Visual designs of social media posts and accompanying engaging copy.
  • Platform-specific content distribution plan.

Grading Criteria:

  • Alignment of campaign concept with product and target audience.
  • Visual appeal and effectiveness of the designed social media posts.
  • Quality and persuasiveness of the copywriting.
  • Coherence and strategic planning of the campaign across various platforms.

Objective: The primary goal of this design assignment is to translate an existing Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising campaign into visually compelling and engaging Instagram social media ads. The transformation should leverage the unique features of Instagram to maximize user interaction, foster brand awareness, and drive engagement.

  1. Visual Concepts:
    • Present a range of visual concepts for Instagram ads, ensuring they align with the original OOH campaign.
    • Emphasize the importance of mobile optimization and ensure visuals are adapted for various Instagram ad formats.
  2. Caption and Copy:
    • Develop compelling and concise captions that complement the visual elements.
    • Create engaging copy that encourages audience interaction and conveys the campaign message effectively.
  3. Hashtag Strategy:
    • Propose a relevant and strategic hashtag strategy to increase campaign visibility and encourage user-generated content.
  4. Consistent Branding:
    • Ensure a cohesive visual identity by maintaining consistent branding elements from the original OOH campaign.
    • Align color schemes, typography, and logo placement to strengthen brand recognition.
  5. Adaptation for Storytelling:
    • Leverage Instagram’s storytelling features to convey the campaign narrative effectively.
    • Consider the sequential arrangement of content for carousel ads or the immersive experience of Instagram Stories.

Conclusion: This assignment aims to seamlessly transition an OOH campaign into an Instagram-friendly format, maximizing the platform’s features to engage the target audience effectively. Through creative visuals, captivating storytelling, and strategic use of Instagram’s interactive features, the goal is to elevate the campaign’s impact in the digital realm.


  1. Design 1 Instagram Post (1080 x 1350 pixels) and 1 Instagram story (1080 x 1920 pixels)
  1. Post in social mockup with Brand social handles visible in OOH Presentation