Prof Anmol Dhamrait | COMD2300-E098 | Spring 24

Author: Keion (Page 1 of 2)

Keion | Dr. Scholls Creative Brief

Objective Statement:

The goal is to encourage the purchase and use of insoles for children and possibly even insoles for the parents.

Target Audience:

Parents of young children.


We’re trying to appeal to parents of children who want the best for their kid’s health. Most people only think of insoles once they already have developed pains but we want them to see the insoles as a means of preventing foot pains while their children are young, before it starts. While also reminding the parents themself that its not too late for them either.

Keion & Mariela Out of home ads

An out of home ad that comes to mind recently is a manhole cover design advertising the Ninja Turtles movie. These were seen around New York along with multiple other billboards for the movie. The Ninja Turtle live in the sewers so its actually very fitting for them to have ads on the things that NYC is littered with. On the ad its a green hand pulling the sewer cover over the top and I think that visual is eye catching to people walking past it.

An out of home advertisement that always catches my attention is the Pepsi Cola sign in Long Island City. It’s bright red which is a color that almost always appeals to the eye, it can also be seen whenever I drive over the Kosciusko Bridge. It can be seen day and night but it’s most especially eye-catching at night because of the neon red color. I see this sign as a perfect example of out of home advertising. I also notice the white stroke around the lettering, strokes are usually non conventional in typography but in this instance, it works.

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