Hello everyone, my name is Kevin Dewitt and today i wanna talk a little bit about my logo sketches and how I came up with these kinds of ideas. I put together 5 logos for this week’s assignment and these logos have been updated and now includes color along with the black and white versions. I decided to remaster them all and also I added color to them to show personal growth. I feel that these logos are much stronger than last time and each one feels like it can be the one chosen for my personal brand. On how they fit with my mood board I believe that now that the designs are not so confusing and can easily be understood when they are shown in our critiques. I also decided to no longer use the color Crome and instead add in white to replace it because it makes the designs look and feel more visually appealing. The final colors that will be used in this project are Black,Yellow and White and if this project has taught me something. It has shown me that colors are important and well as the font choice to get the stunning final result.