Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1 DO97

Category: Student Posts (Page 8 of 14)

Christopher Adams Photographs

Michelle Rojas’ Edited Photographs

When editing, I first went to Geometry and adjusted the upright to Auto which helped me center my picture. I then went on to set my white and black points. I brought down my shadows, highlights, and shadows. I added some vibrance and saturation as well as brought up my clarity. I finally sharpened my image to 50. This brought my photograph to a blueish hue which brings me to remember a more arcade/ video game feel which I associate a lot with the bright lights of Times Square.

Midterm Critique

The first photo is with a frozen motion, the women look like a busy traveler. But the light of the photo a little dark.

I like this photo , is very nice of depth of field present.

The man of this photo look like a model. And the diagonals composition make the photo more interesting .

Critique by Lisbeth M. / Jazziah C. work

I really love that he was able to capture the bees sitting on the flowers, it is really hard to do and the depth of field created by the background is really cool, he also used he rule of thirds.
The vibrant color of the flowers make contrast with the dead grass and I like the fact that his focus is on the purple floors rather than the white ones. I also like that he filled the frame with the flowers.
This is my favorite one, it has a romantic feel to it and I love the singular red rose in the middle of the frame. I also like the contrast of the red and green and the amount of exposure he used.

Midterm Critique Lisbeth

I love how close she got to the tree trunk, it also shows how simple things we gloss over. But if we take he time to look at the simple things, it shows how beautiful it is.
The photo looks like, the world just froze in time. The shutter speed and ISO makes the water look clear and tangible.
The flowers grabbed my attention, the orange ones in focus shows that there is still some beauty in the fall. With the leaves in less focus in the background it draws attention to the flowers even more.
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