Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1 DO97

Category: Student Posts (Page 7 of 14)

Global Corrections


This image was a little dark and overexposed. I lowered the highlights to 0 to help lessen the overexposure and increased the blacks to about 53 to lighten up the image in general. I increased the shadows to about 28, along with clarity at 23 to define the outline of the panda, to separate it from the background.

Nathalie Quito

I love Nathalie’s use of the rule of thirds and how she captures diagonals in this image. The diagonals are seen in the wave as well as the Brooklyn Bridge in the background.
I think this image displays a beautiful use of shallow depth of field.
This is a great example of perspective through the use of converging lines.
I love how this image captures the shadow on the basketball court. The shadow diagonal conveys a sense of symmetry along with a sense of movement.

Correction Exercise: Nathalie Quito

On the left, I cropped and edited the saturation of the image. I first cropped in more closer to the couple. I adjusted the clarity to make the midtowns brighter. In addition, I felt like the original on the right was very warm toned so I went to the temperature and pulled it towards the left to make it cooler. I also played with the contrast a little bit.

Edited pictures Lisbeth M.

before After

I adjusted the whites and blacks and I made the saturation higher, I also played with the exposure.

I adjusted the blacks so it would be true black and the white to be true white.

In this picture I adjusted the highlights so the clouds would pop out more, I also adjusted the blacks and whites.

For this photo, I adjusted only the shadows and the whites to make it lighter and make the beautiful view of the sky more vibrant and the pier a little more visible.

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