Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1

Suzanne Stein, New York Street Two

The photograph depicts a close-up of hands adorned with silver rings holding a small bird. The image focuses on the interaction between the hands and the delicate bird. The photographer’s intention could be to capture a poignant moment, which symbolizes the connection between humanity and nature, emphasizing themes of fragility, care, and the beauty of the natural world. The name of the work allows us to know that the location of the photograph takes place in a New York setting.  The juxtaposition of urban surroundings with the act of holding a small bird creates a compelling contrast, highlighting the theme of nature within an urban environment. This further evokes a sense of harmony and connection between humanity and nature.

The photographer uses figures to ground, fill the frame, and patterns and repetition in their work. The photograph uses the “fill the frame” compositional principle by zooming in closely on the hands and the bird, the photographer eliminates distractions and emphasizes the main subject. The Figure to Ground principle is used to contrast between the hands and the bird against the background. Thus, drawing attention to the central subjects. The patterns and repetition could be seen in the arrangement of the rings on the hands, this could have been used to add visual interest and texture to the image. The use of the formal elements like “Fill the Frame” and “Figure to Ground” also further emphasize the intimacy of the moment by isolating the hands and the bird from their urban surroundings, thus reinforcing the central message of the image. Overall, the photograph conveys a sense of tenderness and stewardship toward the bird. The mood or feeling of the photograph also conveys emotions such as empathy, connection, and a sense of wonder in relation to the natural world.

1 Comment

  1. rmichals

    This is a poignant moment as you state. The bird is dead. It was fragile. It did not survive. There is a mournfulness here. But don’t you also think about the person holding the dead bird? I wouldn’t pick up and hold a dead bird in my hands and you probably wouldn’t either. It puts the woman holding the bird in a different realm that makes me just as sad as the dead bird.

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