Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1

Category: Homework (Page 1 of 3)

Homework 1

Thomas Holton’s “Playing on the Roof,” part of “The Lams of Ludlow” collection, captures how vibrant Chinatown is and how Immersed the neighborhood’s are and there cultural richness, Holton delves into the lives of its residents, uncovering insights into human connections. The photograph shows familial warmth and vulnerability, showcasing Holton’s skillful use of formal elements like framing and figure-ground contrast, leading lines to create a compelling visual narrative. Through this image, Holton invites viewers to experience the inviting atmosphere and rich tapestry of human connections within Chinatown. Holton’s intimate exploration of Chinatown is palpable in this picture because he skillfully utilizes the elements to draw viewers into the scene. The door frame acts as a focal point, guiding attention towards the little girl, while the contrast between her and the background adds depth and visual interest. The lines of the stairs further emphasize her presence, creating a composition that reflects Holton’s deep connection to the neighborhood and its inhabitants. Through this image, he invites us to share in the warmth and humanity he found within the streets of Chinatown.

HW 8

Setting out on a quest to photographically capture the essence of nature is an incredibly rewarding undertaking. I’m excited to translate the natural world’s unquestionable tranquility and beauty into visual art because it speaks to the soul.

I approach taking pictures of nature with respect and reverence. I consider myself to be a modest observer who aims to capture the wonders of nature without interfering with or disturbing it. Every moment presents an opportunity to capture something truly magical, whether it’s the captivating dance of light and shadow in a forest, the majestic sweep of a mountain range, or the intricate detail of a flower petal.

To properly capture the breathtaking beauty of nature, I’ll have to fully immerse myself in it. This entails straying from the usual route, investigating isolated wilderness regions, and appreciating the elements in all of their untamed, raw beauty. I’ll look for moments of transcendence and record them with my lens, whether they are in the tranquility of a misty morning or the vibrant colors of a setting sun.

Technical skill will be crucial for this project since, in order to produce photographs that accurately capture the spirit of nature, I’ll need to become an expert in exposure, lighting, and composition. I aim to produce technically accurate and emotionally impactful images, whether I’m using a macro lens to bring out the fine details of a tiny insect or a wide-angle lens to capture expansive vistas.

My ultimate objective in photography, however, goes beyond the technical aspects and is to establish a strong bond with nature and spread that bond to others. My goal is for my images to evoke awe, wonder, and a sense of responsibility for the priceless ecosystems that support life on Earth. I want to remind people how important it is to preserve and protect or natural heritage so that future generations can continue to enjoy it by showcasing the beauty of nature in all its forms.





HW 1

The photograph is a powerful portrayal of a homeless man, and it appears that the photographer’s intention was to shed light on the man’s life. The image is filled with hope despite the harsh realities it depicts.

Fill the Frame: The man’s body fills the entire frame, allowing viewers to see all the details very clearly. This technique draws attention to the subject and eliminates distractions, providing a sense of intimacy and detail.

Dominant Eye: One of the man’s eyes is covered by his hair, but the other eye is very firm and strong. This is the dominant eye in the photograph. The dominant eye guides the viewer’s gaze and can convey a lot of emotion, in this case, the man’s resilience and determination.

Patterns and Repetition: The chains around the man’s neck repeat like a pattern, symbolizing the shackles in his life. Patterns and repetition can create rhythm and structure in a photograph, making it more visually appealing.

Contrast: The man is wearing shabby dark clothes, and the surrounding environment is also very dark. This forms a strong contrast with the colorful flowers, the only other color in the photo. Contrast can help to highlight the main subject and evoke emotions.

Symmetry: Although not immediately obvious, there is symmetry in this photo. The man is sitting along the center line of the photo, creating a balance. Symmetry can make a photo more harmonious and pleasing to the eye.

In conclusion, this photograph is a great example of how different components and compositions of photography can be used to tell a story and evoke emotions. The photographer has skillfully used these elements to portray the life of the homeless man and to evoke feelings of hope and resilience. It’s a testament to the power of photography to shed light on different aspects of human life and society.

Final Project

20 pts. The goal of the Final Project is to create a series of 10 related images on a theme. The images should show your range as a photographer. Depending on the project, each image should be visually engaging and contribute to your story in a unique way.

You may choose to do either:

A series of portraits (not 10 pictures of 1 person but 10 pictures of 10 people) OR

A portrait of a neighborhood

OR another theme that you are passionate about: dogs, skateboarders, basketball players, street fashion to name a few possibilities.

Grading Criteria:

Deliverables and dates:

Due May 7: Shoot 1 – minimum of 40 images in an album on Flickr

Due May 16: Shoot 2 – minimum of 40 images in an album on Flickr

Due May 21: Shoot 3 -minimum of 40 images in an album on Flickr PLUS

  • final 10 images selected, adjusted in Lightroom, and posted to an album on Flickr
  • a presentation to the class of the final images.

Total = 4 albums: 1 for each of three shoots, 1 with the final edited images

All late coursework must be submitted by no later than 11:59 pm on Tuesday, May 14th, 2023.

HW 8: Final Project Statement and Mood Board

Due April 9, 12 pm, Noon. 4 pts.

A final project proposal of 300 words min plus a gallery of images for inspiration otherwise known as a mood board.

The goal of the Final Project is to create a series of 10 related images on a theme.

You may choose to do either:

A series of portraits (not 10 pictures of 1 person but 10 pictures of 10 people) OR

A portrait of a neighborhood

OR another theme that you are passionate about: dogs, skateboarders, basketball players, street fashion to name a few possibilities.

Decide which assignment(s) you most enjoyed. What are you most interested in? Then consider: do you have people to work with? What is your schedule like and what is practical?

Final Project statement: Describe your project. What is your theme? What is the story you want to tell? What is the subject matter? Where will you shoot and when will you shoot? What kinds of techniques will you use?

Find a minimum of 6 images by 6 different photographers that show what you want your project to look like. Put them in a gallery in the post with your final project statement.

Category on OpenLab: Final Project Statement

Grading Rubric

Deliverables and dates:

Due April 9 – a 300 word final project statement posted to Openlab with “a mood board”

Due May 7: Shoot 1 – minimum of 40 images in an album on Flickr

Due May 14: Shoot 2 – minimum of 40 images in an album on Flickr

Due May 22: Shoot 3 -minimum of 40 images in an album on Flickr PLUS

  • final 10 images selected, adjusted in Lightroom, and posted to an album on Flickr
  • a presentation to the class of the final images.

Total albums: 4 – 3 shoots of a minimum of 40 photos and a final album of 10 edited and toned images


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