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Consuegra_Pamela Found Alphabet
Project 2 Part 2 Pamela Consuegra
Garcia Michael_TT_RP
This poster doesn’t work because it is hard to read, with no clear area of attention that the designer wants the reader to look at. This seems like it might even frustrate some readers when trying to understand what the text is trying to say because of the lack of diversity in the text
Domena Jasmine_TT_RP
The one on the left I feel works the least because all the information feels too clustered into one spot making it feel very unbalanced and overwhelming at first glance. The one on the right is the one I feel works the best because all the information is displayed simply and clearly.
Hernandez-Garcia Yamileth_TT_RP
From both of these posters, the one that did not work for me was the one with the letter h blended in the colors of black and white and grey. The small words being expressed diagonally across the h are too small and the colors within the sentence are too light to read. Overall, with small size font and long sentence with a light grey color does not fit well with the overall design.
Project 1 pages 1-5
Type Vocabulary, Classifications, Kering, Variations, Legibility
Type Challenge OpenLab_setup_Consuegra
Williams_Kayla Found Alphabet
Williams_Kayla_A Williams_Kayla_B Williams_Kayla_C Williams_Kayla_D Williams_Kayla_E Williams_Kayla_F Williams_Kayla_G Williams_Kayla_H Williams_Kayla_I Williams_Kayla_J Williams_Kayla_K Williams_Kayla_L Williams_Kayla_M Williams_Kayla_N Williams_Kayla_O Williams_Kayla_P Williams_Kayla_Q Williams_Kayla_R Williams_Kayla_S Williams_Kayla_T Williams_Kayla_U Williams_Kayla_V Williams_Kayla_W Williams_Kayla_X Williams_Kayla_Y Williams_Kayla_Z Williams_Kayla_Number 1 Williams_Kayla_Number 2 Williams_Kayla_Number 3 Williams_Kayla_Number 4 Williams_Kayla_Number 5 Williams_Kayla_Number 6 Williams_Kayla_Number 7 Williams_Kayla_Number 8 Williams_Kayla_Number 9 Williams_Kayla_Number 0
Williams_Kayla_ TC_TSS
Type Challenge OpenLab_setup_Hernandez-Garcia
I chose this type of font because I like having strokes on my font therefore, I wanted my choice of font to be clear and still have a satisfying appearance.
Assignment DUE:
Assignments are always due the day before next class by 11:30pm, and must be posted to OpenLab or uploaded as instructed