Category Archives: Course Activities


The First image places the words in an eye catching shape. This secures the attention of the audience and is a very creative way to use type. Technically it is a type within a type. The second image uses overlapping layers to contrast letters and different colors helps to differentiate between the background and overlaying text. While one of these is neater than the other I feel they both work in terms of aesthetic and uniqueness.

Class 18

Class Info

  • Class Date: Thurs. Oct. 29
  • Class Time: 8:30AM-10:00AM



  • Students continue to develop their creative skills and personal styles in relationship to typography and lettering
  • Further develop software application/presentation skills.


Name That Type

Found Alphabet

Expressive lettering Filmore

To-Do After Class

  • Refined version of your word due next class
  • Bring Lettering to next step: Must show progress next class.
    • Notice the steps followed for this example:
      Sketched / Chose actual sprinkles/ experimented with glue / took photos /in Photoshop: cleaned the pencil marks/ In Illustrator tried a different approach.

  • Upload jpg file . Must not exceed dimensions 600×600
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screen-Shot-2020-08-07-at-4.25.46-PM.png


What I like about these is just how much the text forms into a cohesive structure. The first one uses various fonts and weights, the bolder weights acting as more of a skeleton for the lighter weights on the outside. For the second one, I like the way the text wraps into a sort of triangle or pyramid, pointing to the text on the left. The text on the left is also laid out very neatly into columns. The word “meccanici” acts as a sort of support or rest for the list of words to the left of it.