Category: Research Paper Assignment (Page 4 of 5)

Research Paper 1-SL

Research Essay Paper 1


The design that has caught my particular interest would be a painting, which was aptly named “Girl with Balloon”. This work was created by Banksy, an infamous street artist located in England. (Holzwarth). Banksy is actually an internationally recognized graffiti artist and has had his work sold to various celebrities for upwards of half a million dollars, for a single piece. Banksy is also no stranger to the geopolitical affairs of the world, as he made a statement through his works on the controversial West Bank barrier located in Israeli. ( Urbanist)….

Final Report Outline – E M

The topic for my final report would be about the way technology has been taking control over our lives whiteout we even notice and is now impossible to disconnect from it, even if we try at a very young age with kids.


  1. introduction to the problem – Show how technology is overtaking our lives.
  2. Talk about how is affecting us and how is changing us.
  3. I will give examples of these changes and properly cited them with evidence.
  4. Talk about how is changing our new generation – show how kids are more interested in tech than playing with toys.
  5. conclude by remarking on the important points made throughout the paper.
  6. work cited page (MLA style)

Assignment Reading Response 8 for April 11

Updated assignment details for this week

  1. This week, please proof in EasyBib before posting.
  2. You must have at least 200 words and at least 2 paragraphs
  3. You must include a Screenshot of your text in Easybib with any corrections that are suggested.
  4. Include your screenshot with your post
  5. See “Draft your Reading Response” below for details


Our next reading will be from the media theorist Marshall McLuhan. For this reading, you have two options. Please read one of the following:

The Introduction, Chapter 1 and Chapter 7 from McLuhan’s influential 1964 book Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man.
This is a fairly straightforward text. McLuhan_UnderstandingMedia_excDownload


Selected paged from The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effect, co-created by McLuhan and Quentin Fiore in 1967. This is an experimental text that relies heavily on image-text interactions. Here is a PDF: McLuhan_Fiore_Medium IsTheMassage_1967Download

Please take a look at both, to get a sense of the material, then choose one or the other to really focus on.

Consider the following:
McLuhan describes technology and media as “extensions of man.”
How do media extend human beings, or humanity in general?
What hazards might technological progress bring for individuals and society?
If “the medium is the message,” what role can artists and designers play in creating new messages?
How is the work of a designer subordinate to the media they use to create or distribute information? 

You have two options for this response.

You can write 3-4 paragraphs.

Or you can respond in a “typophotographic” manner, combining images and text.
To understand what we mean by typographic, please look at McLuhan’s work

1. Open the readings

As before, after annotating the text, create a rough draft of your response in your Research Journal. Your response should be about 200 words and checked for spelling and grammar errors. Publish your finished response on the class site, using the guidelines provided.

2. Enable Hypothesis

Login to your account and select our group (IMPORTANT!) from the dropdown to make sure your annotations and highlights will be recorded in the group.

3Read & Annotate

Consider the questions/prompts listed above.
Start to formulate the answers to these prompts while you practice close reading with annotations.
This will be part of your grade.
Make at least 3 annotations in Hypothesis, including your questions, definitions, and ideas
Add the tags: Medium and Reading Response 8 to your annotations.

4. Draft your Reading Response

  • In your Research Journal, write a draft of your 200-word response.
  • You must use at least 2 paragraphs and 200 words in your response
  • Use Easybib app to check for grammar and spelling errors. Use the word count tool.
  • Take a screenshot of your document in Easybib and add it to your post
    screenshot on a mac: hold shift and command while you press “4”
  • Use visual examples to supplement your reading response.
  • Consider looking back at the Learning Graphic Design History videos
    or the Course Resources to see if there are historical examples that will help support your ideas.

5. Post your Reading Response.

At the top of the post copy and paste the following: McLuhan

Paste your reading response from Easybib

Be sure to add your final copy to your Research Journal.

Add links to your Hypothesis annotations at the bottom of your post.

Always add links and attribution for any images that you use in your post.

Adjust any formatting issues that may have occurred while pasting.

Use the Reading Response Example (in resources) as a guide.

Add the following title, category, and tags to your posts.

For help with adding Categories and Tags, see OpenLab Help.

    • TITLE: Reading Response 8 – Your Initials
    • CATEGORY: Reading Responses
    • TAG: Reading Response #8, McLuhan
    • TAG: Your Name


In addition

Outline for Final Report

Post an outline of your final report

Please be sure to add the following title, category, and tags to your posts.
For help with adding Categories and Tags, see OpenLab Help.

    • TITLE: Final Report Outline– Your Initials
    • CATEGORY: Research Paper Assignment
    • TAG: Final Report Topic
    • TAG: Your Name



Due Date

The next session Monday, April 11th, at 6pm to allow time for review.

  1. Texts

    • Selected paged from The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effect, co-created by McLuhan and Quentin Fiore in 1967. This is an experimental text that relies heavily on image-text interactions. Here is a PDF: McLuhan_Fiore_Medium IsTheMassage_1967Download


2.  Final Report Outline

Research paper 1 – EH

I have framed word illustration, a great work for Bangladesh In the background of modernism.

Louis Kahn designed the entire Jatiyo Sangsad complex, which includes lawns, lake and residences for the Members of the Parliament. The entire masterpiece is designed in a way to form one or non–differentiable entity connecting the garden and mosque, surrounding the structure and forming a statement on the landscape.

Kahn’s key design philosophy optimizes the use of space while representing Bangladeshi heritage and culture. External lines are deeply recessed by porticoes with huge openings of regular geometric shapes on their exterior, shaping the building’s overall visual impact.

Research Paper 1- MA

Macintosh 128k

The design I chose is the Macintosh 128K Home Computer, it’s the original Macintosh personal computer released in 1984. Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Computer, Inc., hired Hartmut Esslinger to design a visual code that would produce a range of design variations. The release of this computer was a historic moment not only for Silicon Valley but for computer and design history. 

Research Paper:

Research Paper 1 – JA

My Research paper is all about the Pride Flag that was created by an artist and an activist named Gilbert Baker. He was approached by an old friend of his Henery Milk, one of the first people who were openly gay and is an elected official in California. The Pride Flag was created as a symbol of pride for the LGBTQ community. The  USA flag was the reason it inspired Baker to create the pride flag.

My research Paper :

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