Short List for Final Exam is Posted! Plus Group Presentations on Tues 12/3

Photo of Japanese boy reading outdoors

Russell Lee, FSA photo of Japanese Boy Reading on a Farm, Idaho, 1942

This is a reminder that group presentations take place this Tuesday, December 3 in class. I’m excited to see your photographs! Reminder to please bring one copy of the Powerpoint to class and your group should upload one copy to Blackboard. In addition, every student should upload a reflection on Blackboard by midnight that shares your experience doing the project and what you thought of the photographer that you worked on.

Also, the short list for our Final Exam on Thursday December 19th is Posted!  Please look under slide lists under Class Downloads.

Final Terminology

The following are the terms for the terminology section (Part IV) of the final. In Part IV, you will be asked to choose 3 terms and write a few complete sentences defining the art movement and give an example of a work of art from that movement.

Russian Constructivism
Group f.64
Social Landscape
Pictures Generation

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Holiday Homework


I completely forgot to take a photo during my actual family holiday dinner as we ate earlier in the month to make up for the fact that I had work this holiday. However at work we had a banquet for the staff and I happened to grab some photos. Here’s the only one without other people in it.

I’m a big fan of food photography simply because its not easy to take a good picture of food. It’s very easy to make something that’s sitting on the plate in front of you, that looks delicious in person, look terrible and unappetizing in a photo. Often times the lighting in the room you’re eating in is not at all optimized for photography. And food can be quite shiny with sauces and glazes. That sheen can often catch the light in the most unflattering way possible. So I really enjoy seeing great, professionally done food photography. And absolutely appreciate that there’s a market for it both as consumers enjoying it and businesses needing it.

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HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

Carne Pizza
Sopresatta, prosciutto, tomato, pepperoncini and fresh mozzarella.

Food photography is really interesting to me. I personally love taking pictures of my food or drinks, especially when having the right lighting. Since I am part of Instagram, I am used to seeing pictures of people’s food, what I didn’t know is that people are actually getting paid for it. I wouldn’t mind entering the business just to earn a little more cash. One thing I think we can all appreciation from Eggleston’s photographs is observing with a critical eye. Often a good food photo isn’t just about capturing everything on the plate, sometimes it means including the drink or the name of the restaurant. These instagrammers that are getting paid for the service have to have a critical eye to make the food look appealing and hopefully get more customers through the door.

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Alex Furman HW#3 color, food, photography and Instagram

This is a picture of only one tables worth of food for what my family makes for Thanksgiving. I wanted to try and get a picture to capture all the food however there was just too much.

I feel food photography on social media is excellent. It is one of the nice and civil things on social media. It’s like a break from all of the ads, the crazy celebrity posts, and the politics. It gives people a chance to connect over something wholesome. There are many Instagram pages dedicated to showing people how to make healthier meals or follow a certain diet or even how to indulge in the best comfort foods. Food is such a big part of everyone’s lives and Instagram is proving a platform for everyone to come together and share that love.

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Jessie Chen’s HW#3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

In my opinion, sharing anything about yourself on social media allows you to connect with those who view it in many different ways. In the case of food photography, posting photos of your food online will often advertise the restaurant its from. Sharing photos of food helps restaurants draw customers in by making them want to have a taste of their food, which is a part of their marketing plan. Social media also gives an opportunity to show off talents, such as when someone has just finished cooking their meal and they want to share their accomplishment. In my case, I post food photography on my social media to record what dishes I like in different restaurants, so I can remember which places to go back to in the future.

This Thanksgiving, my mom cooked steak for dinner. Usually, during Thanksgiving, families gather together to eat a big meal that includes roasted turkeys, mash potatoes, and pumpkin pie for dessert. However in my case, my family doesn’t like eating turkey meat, nor do we celebrate Thanksgiving. Coincidentally, my mom wanted to eat something expensive this Thanksgiving, so she made steak, eggs, and vegetables for us.

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HW#3 Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

This thanksgiving, my aunt prepared many of the Thanksgiving meals for my family and for our cousins and relatives. Out of all the food she made, I enjoyed the thanksgiving turkey. Food photography is like a hobby to me. I love to take pictures of food that have good appearances, good tastes, and most of all the significance that it means to me. I treated it as a memory that I enjoyed my life of going new places and trying foods. I even enjoy the food my parents makes. I’ve always looked at my Instagram how people had tried food and drinks from different places. It sometimes makes you want to go there and seek for it. I have taken a lot of pictures of food whenever I travel and when I have classes that serves food for practices. It is always best to take pictures of foods when you are with somebody.

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Kicchi Biryani (Bangladeshi Style) by Sumiya Shahan

The name of this food is Kacchi Biryani and is Bangladeshi Style. People use basmati rice, eggs, chicken, and many different types of seasoning, rose water, etc. My dad has his won recipe and any time I want to eat Biryani he cooks for me. I don’t know how to cook this properly, because there is too much thing that, I have to memorize. We don’t celebrate thanks given but I post this food because he cooked Biryani yesterday. This food is very famous among many cultures.

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HW#3: Color, Food Photography and Instagram

This thanksgiving my family made a wonderful turkey dinner. Food photography has grown and advanced each year on social media. I think food photography is amazing because we get to see what our family and friends are eating through pictures on social media. This is a great way for us to learn about new foods. I remember one time I seen a friend of mine having lobster. I never had lobster before so I asked him where did he get that one and he told me ” burger and lobster” in the city. I went to that place the same week and tried it. The steamed Lobster with butter was so delicious I ended up liking lobster a lot.

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Color, Food Photography, and Instagram HW#3 Anthony Lau

Over this Thanksgiving, me and my family plan instead of doing a traditional turkey, mash potato dinner, we’re doing a hot pot where a bunch of ingredients are gathered and placed into a sizzling hot soup base that will cook the foods. Hot pot is also a very popular food that people love to share on social media. On social media people tend to post food that gives an experience that is fun to share and when other people see it they will instantly feel the need to try the experience. Food photography is good in ways such as being able to see a food that you never tried before but through social media and enough people talking about it, you might just try something you never thought you’d be eating. The feeling of being able to share an experience and for someone to see your experience and then try it is the culture that everyone shares in their daily lives.

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HW#3: Color, Food Photography and Instagram

Food photography is very common nowadays. Every other individual posts a picture of their food and I think it is a natural thing. These days, people likes to share their daily lifestyles on social media. Everyone loves when they take pictures of their delicious, good looking food, share with their friends and make others to eat also. Everyone is interested in food photography and it is increasing. Over the weekend, my family will be cooking turkey and my favorite lasagna cheese and other food items.Image result for turkey with lasagna cheese

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