Eric Li’s HW#1: Sunset

Sunset Park in Brooklyn, New York

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Imon Singha’s Summer

Summer fun

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Ana Tropicana: Summer Race Track

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Emilia Perez – Walk in Central Park.

Summer Walk, Central Park, New York, 2019.

Summer Walk, Central Park, New York, 2019.

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Summer Day

Sunny summer day on a farm

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The view along the shore on a walk

Summer Fun; Stroll Along the Shore

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Views from Shore Blvd Astoria

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Marc Chu’s HW#1: Summer Time chips

Summer time

              3rd ave, Brooklyn, New York                                  Having some chips and dip with my family on a summer day.


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Krystal S.- HW#1 “Sunset in Brooklyn”

Sunset view from Bushwick

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Hw #1 “Sunset in Puerto Rico” -Shanieya S.

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