In order for me to create my final portfolio I have to finish writing my unit one story because I never really got to finish and I feel like now that I’ve been able to learn new writing techniques it will be easier for me to tweak. I got a lot of suggestions from Professor Green and I’m definitely going to take them into consideration and add that to my unit one project because I feel like I can really up it and make it sound way better. The second thing that I have to do is go back and fix the rhetorical analysis for my unit three project. For this project I feel like I can make my rhetorical analysis better by using my classmates as an example and even though I tried that before and it didn’t really work out I feel like now that I’ve gotten a better understanding of the topic and the genre at hand that it will be way easier for me to do, then I will be good with those two units. For the essay that we have to write I feel like I can talk about how in high school English was very easy for me and I always thought that I was a good writer because I constantly got good grades but when I got to college it was a wake up call because it didn’t come as easy and I found myself having to re-analyze everything that I write and having a lot of writer’s block.
ENG 1101 is about you getting more comfortable with your own process. You’ll look at tools and ideas about how language is used to communicate and persuade and even exclude. And you’ll be introduced to concepts like transfer, genre, and metacognition.
I’m Jackie Blain, and you can find me on our Slack workspace or via email
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Good ideas. Unit 1 is pretty good; look at the notes I left and the Revision Memo you put at the bottom of your draft that’s in the Google Drive. It mostly just needs a central idea to really hold it together — it’s very close. For Unit 2 Reflective Annotated Bibliography, you do need to do quite a bit of work to get it in shape. If looking at Hashim’s draft didn’t help, then you and I need to have a one-on-one conference to see what’s happening.