I want to teach the audience of what diabetes is, how we expect to find a cure and approximately how long it will take to find a cure. The audience I expect to reach are people who suffer from diabetes and people who have loved ones that have diabetes. The genre I want to write in is unsure of right now, but I am leaning towards something like a magazine or like a twitter post. I plane to get started by looking at things my classmates are doing looking up examples of my genre. Something I am worried about is, not knowing where to start and how to actually create something like this because I have never done anything like this.
ENG 1101 is about you getting more comfortable with your own process. You’ll look at tools and ideas about how language is used to communicate and persuade and even exclude. And you’ll be introduced to concepts like transfer, genre, and metacognition.
I’m Jackie Blain, and you can find me on our Slack workspace or via email DBlain@citytech.cuny.edu.
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I obviously love your topic. And I think maybe a Twitter thread would be a great way to get to an audience because more people get information from Twitter than from magazines, although it really depends on the audience — older audience would go for online magazines, younger ones for Twitter. It all depends on your goal. And have no fear — at least one other person in the class is planning a Twitter thread, so you’ll be able to help each other.