What I intend to teach my audience is that I wanted to educate them on what vaccines are and the importance of them. I want to educate them on what will be the positive outcome if we do get vaccinated. So i am intending on reaching a audience that is not yet vaccinated. Also those who want to know more about the vaccine. I plan to write do this in a Informative/Explanatory genre. I plan to make a Tiktok because i feel like know a days that’s the best way to get to someone because everyone is on tiktok. I plan to make it interesting so that people don’t just scroll and be like oh another one of these videos. I have to find a way that will catch the eyes of people so it would have to be done during the very beginning of the video. That is the thing i am probably most worried about is that it wont be interesting and people wont want to watch it.
ENG 1101 is about you getting more comfortable with your own process. You’ll look at tools and ideas about how language is used to communicate and persuade and even exclude. And you’ll be introduced to concepts like transfer, genre, and metacognition.
I’m Jackie Blain, and you can find me on our Slack workspace or via email DBlain@citytech.cuny.edu.
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This is a really good idea! TikTok is certainly the social media of choice these days, so going in that direction is smart. The challenge with a TikTok, of course, is that it’s so short. So you’re going to have to be very organized and pointed about what you’re saying — it’s a great challenge!