~Im worried about the exams and passing the class with a good grade.
~Some tips that I have in mind is to make sure that Im paying attention to the lesson at all times because i get distracted very easily especially since this is a online course and i can get distracted with everyday life activities.
~My name is Ryan Yu I am 17 years of age Im currently a college freshman majoring in the field of nursing.

~I chose this image because having a good relationship with your family is very important and having people you can rely on can really take some of the burden and stress off you.
~My name Ryan which means little king is a classic Irish last name which as become a popular first name in boys and girls. My dad was the one who came up with the name because his name begins with a R and he wanted all his kids name to begin with a R also. My last name Yu is my family name which is a Chinese last name. I don’t get treated differently because of my name and I’m very proud of it and I wouldn’t change anything about it .
I think you’ll do great in Nursing and that tip is great I get distracted by a ton of things too. I love the last thing you said about having people you can rely on that is very true because sometimes we may feel all alone and like we have no one to “lean” on. Good Luck!!!!!!
I love the mix of cultures that your name represents. So wonderful to take pride in that. AND… as I’m sure you’ve figured out, there are several students in the class who are going into nursing. Great profession.