What’s up guys, my name is Eliana my favorite color is light purple and my favorite animal is a dog:) One word that describes how I’m feeling about this course is nervous. I really hope this course teaches me more about my writing and how to improve it. There isnt really much of a backstory to my name other than my cousin didnt want to be the only person in the family whos name started with an “E” so she told my mom to give me a name that starts with “E”.

Love the picture lol!! I feel the same way about improving my writing skills in this class.
My favorite animal is a dog as well :). What are you majoring in?
Trying to get my pre-reqs for nursing
This picture deserves an award, everyone gets nervous but if you do everything well in class or in college you aren’t going to be nervous.
Is that a Wegman picture? He takes photos like that. Great picture. I like the story of your name — we get named for the most random reasons sometimes :-D.