HW4: Is it time to take down the Mona Lisa?

I do believe that it is time to take down the Mona Lisa. According to the New York Times article, 80% of the 10 million visitors to the Musee du Louvre only go to see the Mona Lisa and end up disappointed. People now feel obligated to go see the Mona Lisa, which simply shouldnā€™t be the case when it is only one piece out of da Vinciā€™s entire lifeā€™s work. In a museum full of iconic art pieces like the Venus de Milo, the crowding is not only a security hazard but frankly, insulting. The size of the crowds that form to see the Mona Lisa has caused the painting to be moved several times, placed behind a several-inch thick glass box, security lines and cause the museum to close down; as iconic as the piece is, in both pop culture and art history, the measures taken to keep the piece on display simply arenā€™t worth it. It should be retired indefinitely, so that the Musee du Louvre can finally breathe.

HW#4: Is It Time To Take Down The Mona Lisa

Based on the New York Times article about the Mona Lina being taken down, I would agree that the 16th-century Italian masterpiece be relocated to a place of its own due to the chaotic overcrowding and disappointed visitors. According to the New York Times article, ā€œThe overcrowding was so bad, the museum had to shut its doors on several days.ā€ This proves how itā€™s negatively impacting museum visitors and the employees of the Louvre. By building a separate place for the Mona Lisa and selling tickets with time sloths for groups of 10-15, can allow visitors from all over the world to a better view of the Mona Lina in a well-organized manner. The space can also provide a selfie booth, through which visitors can download their picture as they leave.

Daisy Xia: HW4: Is It Time to Take Down the Mona Lisa?

In my opinion I believe that the Mona Lisa should be taken down. I of course don’t mean forever I believe that the Mona Lisa should be taken down for a period of time maybe for a couple of years and then put back up again for a short while before going into storage once again. I believe this because from reading the article and on a more personal opinion I can tell that the people come to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa is not even interested in seeing it. They just want to take selfies to prove that they saw it and get out as quickly as possible since its so crowded. Also the Louvre talks about how there are so many people that they even had to shut down it for a couple of days. In addition the article states people criticize the Mona Lisa questioning what’s so special about this painting. I feel if we take down the Mona Lisa for a while people might appreciate it a little more after not being able to see it. Of course people will still be able to study it since it is all over the internet and in books and many copies of it is sold everywhere.

HW3: What’s On Your Thanksgiving Plate?

David LaChapelle, Last Supper from the series “Jesus is my homeboy” 2003

Happy Thanksgiving! This homework assignment is a fun one, andĀ  adapted from my history of photography class. Share with classmates an image of something youā€™re eating/cooking over the holiday week. Since we just covered Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper,Ā you may want to look at parodies of this famous painting, including this photograph by David LaChapelle. Sometimes parodies evoke anger, including a fashion ad campaign that parodied Leonardo’s painting and was banned in Milan. More recently, The Daily News used a Last Supper parody for The Last Whopper cover to criticize President Trump.

Don’t forget for this assignment, you just need to post an image of something you’re having for Thanksgiving andĀ  a short line describing it! Please only check the category #studentHW

The DUE DATE is Monday December 2, by midnight.

For those of you interested in exploring food photography and how some foodies are turning their social media into profit, look here.


HW4: Is It Time to Take Down the Mona Lisa?

Crowds in Louvre Museum surrounding Mona Lisa painting
Crowds trying to glimpse Leonardo’s Mona Lisa in the Louvre in Paris, photo by Max Fercondini via Wikimedia Commons.

For the last homework of the semester, please read this recent article in the New York Times about the overcrowding situation in the Louvre Museum, where Leonardo da Vinciā€™s painting of the Mona Lisa is stored. The photos show people waiting in lines and crowds in front of the painting. Do you think itā€™s time to put the Mona Lisa in storage? Or perhaps move it to its own space outside of the museum?

Read the NYT article here: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/06/arts/design/mona-lisa-louvre-overcrowding.html

Write a short 100-word post on your views about the article and your opinion of Leonardoā€™s painting.Ā  Please only check the category #studentHW.

This homework is due on the LAST DAY of class, Monday, December 16th midnight, the same day as the FINAL EXAM.