Thanksgiving 2019

Thanksgiving HW

Unfortunately I had to work this Thanksgiving but here is what my family prepared before I left for work. Turkey, Ham, Salad, Quinoa, Callaloo,  Potato Salad, Macaroni Pie, Candied Yams. More food was on the way from the kitchen. Yes, I put aside a plate for myself before leaving for work. Lol.

HW4: Is It Time To Take Down The Mona Lisa?

It is shocking to read that so many visitors are disappointed with seeing The Mona Lisa but in a time that is heavily into criticism and social media, it might be a good idea to move the Mona Lisa to a new location. As the article suggest, building The Mona Lisa it’s own space. I think they should even go as far to add other attractions that will up the experience of viewing The Mona Lisa for everyone. This will help lower the disappointment with visitors and give them more “instagramable” content but the Mona Lisa will always have critics.

HW 4 Is it time to take down the Mona Lisa?

I think the Mona Lisa is one of Leonardo da Vinci’s best piece, but it should be moved to another location, so other people from different countries can have the opportunity to view it. As the article stated the lines are too long causing overcrowding, so by relocating the artwork, they might be able to control the crowds a little better. The artwork has such a long history; therefore, it can be somewhat re-freshening to museum-goers by relocating a new place such as New York City. Children of all ages will be intrigued. My mother had the opportunity to visit the Louvre Museum and see the Mona Lisa while studying for her undergrad in Paris. She also agreed that the artwork is spectacular. Mona Lisa’s eyes really seem the move as your sifting around.

Kate Chand- HW #4: Is it time to take down the Mona Lisa?

After reading the article, I found it shocking by how many people visit the Louvre Museum in Paris to visit the Mona Lisa. The room is said to be flooded with people and is said to be describe waiting in the line at the airport. A photo I’ve seen in the article is of people taking pictures of the painting while standing crowded against each other. I think there is an over exaggeration with this particular painting since it’s infamous worldwide. I would understand that seeing it in person versus over the internet would be spectacular but I feel like I’ve seen versions of the painting whether it’s appeared as reference in cartoons or just plainly in teaching lessons. I agree that the painting is mysterious with Mona’s seemingly happy expression with the well done sfumato by the brilliant Leonardo Da Vinci, but I’m quite rather annoyed and tired to keep seeing this painting. Although this painting is a renowned masterpiece in the eyes of the masses, I can’t say that I’m impressed each time I view it. Even though this painting is ridiculously famous, I don’t think there should be traffic and a crowded room in seeing this painting. I think we all know and agree that such a monumental art piece is beautiful and well painted done by such an intelligent man that contributed so much to society but I think the supposed “hype” for this painting is irksome even if this particular art piece will be remembered for all of time. Thus, I think the Mona Lisa should stay up but the human traffic should die down to minimum requirement of people in the room to see it.