Category Archives: Announcements

Third Life

ā€œThird Lifeā€ was a monograph created by Norbert Schoerner which was a photo diary of the place he traveled. He explained that it took him a while to pick the right photographs for his monograph and that he had to … Continue reading

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Landscape Photography

Steve S. Meyerā€™ stated that his desire to become a photographer started very early in his life. He found inspiration, love and passion for photography from his family members (grandfather, father and uncle) and also from the place he was … Continue reading

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Welcome Home, The Story of Scott Ostrom

Craig F. Walker ā€“ a photographer at The Denver Post ā€“ won his second Pulitzer Prize ā€“ an award for an outstanding achievement in print journalism for ā€œ Welcome Home: The Story of Scott Ostromā€. This was an interesting article … Continue reading

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Announcement: FINAL EXAM notes and TERMINOLOGY

Reminder, the FINAL EXAM is on Wednesday, May 23rd at 11:30 AM. Ā Please be on time, arrive early! Thank you for a semester of stimulating discussion, in class, and on the blog.Ā  Below is a review of the exam format. … Continue reading

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Announcement: Revised Short List for Final Exam is online

After today’s meeting, I realized that it will be very difficult to cover all the material on the slide list for our last meeting. Ā Therefore, I have revised the final short list to reflect more of the earlier material and … Continue reading

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Announcement: Midterm Short List is online!

Your midterm is coming up in two weeks, please take a look at the short list for the midterm under “Class Downloads.” Also, take your time to view the first 37 minutes of the following video: Alfred Stieglitz video The … Continue reading

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Announcement: Commentary on Discussion Topic extended to Saturday

Several of you have asked to extended the post/comment period to this Saturday in order to comment on the Discussion Topic on old photographic processes and the Louis Vuitton ad campaign, so I have extended the time frame.Ā  Come to … Continue reading

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Announcement: Grading Rubric for Papers

If you’re curious about the criteria used to evaluate your writing assignments, you can download the grading rubric. A PDF of the rubric is available under the “Class Downloads” section above. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any … Continue reading

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No longer a viewer but automatically a photographer.

From reading, art critic Roberta Smith opinion on the increasingly common use of cameras,Ā I have to say that I completely understand her position and opinion.Ā In fact fromĀ readingĀ herĀ perspective of camera useĀ in the New York Times, it’s hard to say thatĀ people are … Continue reading

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Hello ARTH 1100 students! Welcome to the course website for Professor Sandra Chengā€™s course on the History of Photography. The OpenLab is an integral component to our class. I look forward to our reading, writing, discussion, and LOOKING this semester. … Continue reading

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