Last week we discussed the process of designing in AD Agency. First, we talked about in ad agency you get work in wide range of work. It’s not just one type of work and it is creative enough to work on different kind of projects. With a range of work, you learn a lot different kind of work. For example, running a campaign in ad agency can be hectic because you have to consistent. Running campaign helps you understand the business of advertising through various kind of promotion for the campaign.

However, when money comes into play in the business of ads. There is more pressure when there is a large amount of money invested in a project. Working with your mindfulness in a project is what takes you further. When projects are done brilliantly sometimes you get a bonus. Also getting a bonus can boost your confidence level. With all of that, you have a lot of work. Work that sometimes can overtake your personal life.

Now with creative, there is so much competition for creativity. Each ad agency wants its project to do great but not all reach that level. To do well that are factors you need to be good at a pitch the statement, headline, billboards, storyboard presentation, print and Web Design. All of these components help have better process od design in ad agencies.

After this, we watch ted talk of Elizabeth Gilbert who is a writer. She wrote the famous book eat pray love which became massively big. She talked about her career and she mentioned that not just writers and creatives are unstable meaning people often feel this craft of us is waste of time but creative mind never gives up on anything because we keep on trying different things.

She explained creativity and suffering are linked according to people who have other careers. The reason for carrying this reputation is people considering us to better every time we make something. She talked about creative people manage their inherent emotional connection.