Enthusiastic and Determined

Category: Internships

Journal Entry Five

Types of an interview and what to do before, during and after an interview.

Recently, I went to a networking event on campus. It was a PDC event on what to do before the interview, during, after the interview. It was interesting to know what can you do to improve yourself. I got to know what types of interview are being held in today’s time. There are 6 of them which are conversational, phone, behavioral, group, luncheon, and video conference.  We had slides which show us what to expect in an interview of each topic. In conversational you have to show your interest and your attitude has to stand out. In a phone interview you are expressionless so basically you have to show expression through words. Doing all the company’s research saves you on their list of options. In a behavioral interview, you literally have to describe what you can handle real work situations. In a group interview, you have to be at your best and aware that other people can qualify. In a luncheon interview, you have to be aware and behave appropriately because you are in the social environment. Lastly, the video interview is quite in today and it allows a digital access to see the person basically face to face. Before the interview, you have to know everything about the company which doesn’t lack research. I need to have a purpose to give an interview and tell the company what and where you do you think you stand. Practicing your skills and having an eye contact is really important. During the interview wear appropriate clothes and give a firm handshake. Answering questions without being nervous and be enthusiastic. Exchange business cards are extra skills so later on if you don’t select then still you are satisfied with the interview.  After the interview, send a thank you note and evaluate yourself how did you do and try to get something positive out of this interview.

Journal Entry One

The company that I do internship is New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute which is located on 16 Court Street in Brooklyn. There are many departments in this company and I work as design intern in Informal Family Child Care Project. It is a private-public company because we work with child care providers. We have events on saturday on different topic to them with taking care of the child. We have books and supllies as raffles.

I make design flyers for them month for the upcoming workshops and events. The company is founded in 2004 and the size is up 50 employers. They have career services department which helps eduactors find a job in their field. Through events they help people with their resumes and send them links of multiple job listing. On facebook the company as good reviews on Leadership initiative which talks about early care and education to what solution we can take out. We had one event which was on mindfulness that was successful event.

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