Last week, we learned about how salary works in the economic system. There are four types of ways where you get paid by hourly, project-based salary, bimonthly, and daily. We got to know how much Art Director earns and they can earn up to $60 – $100 hourly which sounds very good but to reach that level it will take several years. If you get paid twice a month and you are making 60k plus medical and vacation it is not bad at all because you are getting so many benefits. If you are getting paid by project and how you can estimate your hourly wage according to how much time will be spent on a project.

We talked about commercial art and fine art differences in salary. We discussed the differences between them and we found out that commercial art lets us make money. Fine art makes you feel connected to the artwork. We talked about Hollywood, how movies are not running well but TV shows are running successfully. There are so many brilliant writers but they don’t write for movies. The film has such high budget that writers are not trusted fully to make the film successful.

After the break, we watched slides of icons which we had to guess what is the name of an icon. When it came to the plus sign everybody thought that it is red cross or something do with health but somebody mention that sign resembles addition and I actually heard auditioning for movies also had the plus sign. Everybody thought that I didn’t know what the addition’s sign is. Then we talked about graphic symbols and how powerfully symbols communicate. Man + Tools = Technology meaning whatever people had in their hand is converted into technology. Communication was done through imagery which was drawn out on the walls. This is how language was formed by written messages through speech and imagery. The design also has an impact on public opinion by culture, age, gender, and life experience which is taken into consideration when designing. Designers visualize and observe the social norms and ethic values to design.

However, icons are realistic to represent objects or things in a form that are simplified to be icons. Bringing shapes to form an icon realize in what form the icon is shaping up to. Icons really help to perceive information based on a daily basis. Having icons help identify and simplified things which are perceived more clearly.