LL1- Greg Shapps – Coke AdOn

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At first glance the image is clearly an advertising photo due to the composition. The photographer, Greg Shapps, is trying to make the selling point the taste of the Coke drink. The image itself interests me because Shapps manages to make the favor literal and one could just imagine the taste through the visual image being used. The lighting seems to be a directional-diffused light since the shadows contain no dark lines in anyway as well as backlit. The view point remains overhead within the ad and the amount of detail within the image is overall sharp.

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LL2-More on Composition

Post a small version of the photo with the strongest composition that you shot today. Describe in several sentences what makes the photograph’s composition effective.

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HW #1 – Honda FCX Clarity

In order to boost sales, I feel that the Honda FCX Clarity needs to be showcased as a part of everyday life so that more consumers will focus on the practicality of the car and not view it as inferior to cars that use regular fuel. The photographer that I feel could successfully capture the everyday necessity of the Clarity is Clint Clemens. I feel that Clint would be a good choice because of the photos he’s shot for other car brands such as Volvo, Chrysler, Toyota and Volkswagen that incorporated children and family life into their ads.

Clint Clemens Screen Shots

Clemens has photos that highlight the people in the ads but also put the cars in focus. In many of the shots, he uses selective focus so that the center of the image (in some cases, The part of the photo where the people and vehicle interact or overlap) is in focus while the outer parts are blurred. Another element Clemens utilizes is deep space – there is clearly a lot of distance between many of the people and the cars. The viewpoints of the images vary – some are at I level from many are overhead to better show the cars and some are at unusual angles depending on the kind of model in the photo (children are at different angles then adults). The photos are all lit to draw your eyes to the car that’s being shown and the lighting styles have a variety – some are backlit, some use direct light, and others are lit from the side – so that the photos don’t all look the same but still highlight the same thing.

Because of Clint Clemens’ ability to connect cars to family life and fun, I feel that choosing him to shoot the new ad campaign would be a good move to get more people to see the Honda FCX Clarity as a car that fits into their lives.

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Hw1- Honda Tim Wallace

As the art director of Honda. The sales weren’t going as quite as we expected. So for our next issue of cars.  We wanted something interesting, something new, something innovating. So Honda team created the Honda FCX  clarity, the fuel cell Electric Vehicle. So for our new campaign we decied to go on a new image. Usually our campaigns would show a nonchalant, sometimes funny advertising. It was fun to make before, but funny is no longer the “It” factor. Since our Honda FCX clarity is an electric car, our new theme is serious and electrifying. Our main focus is to show our audience that electricity is the future.aston martin car photography car photographer aston martin car photography car photographer

The photographer I would ask to help me with this campaign is Tim Wallace. Wallace car photography shows a significant amount of serious and clarity of what the car is. The Two photos that I show here are two perfect examples. The sidelit lightening shows the deep shadows with few light. The images show a low key contrast because of the dark shadows and the little light. Most of the images are black and white to show a serious feeling. The focus is the car. No matter what the viewpoint is, the car is where your eyes will focus on first. The viewpoint do show an overhead and low-level. Wallace would bring the exact reference we need to boost our sales for this campaign because we are showing a different side of Honda. The reason I would not pick either Clint Clemens nor Don Dixon is because of there similar work, they both show a lot of background including the car. But my eyes go everywhere but the car. Clint Clemens show more of a fun and light side. That is what Honda company did before and the sales were actually going down instead of up. So now we ask for something serious and something different. This is a big risk we are making but I believe it will save us.

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Clint Clemens

My goal for the campaign is to have the car being stylish, slick, fast and eco-friendly while having a natural background like the city, or a highway. So I chose Clent Clemens for the campaign because of his use of blur to show speed while still showing the quality of the car.

Alive_3_XFR_DPS_GEE copyAlive_3_DPS_XF copy

I select this photographer over the two because most of his work are outside, where it would feel natural like it should be. His work mostly shows scenery as a primary thing with a subject as secondary because he wants to show how natural and the beauty of it. The texture of the car is emphasized with the light coming from the back and on onto the car because. Backlit is shown in the photography along with glowing light on the car. There is a high contrast on the car with full scale tone. The image of the car is sharp compared to it’s surrounding to give it more hierarchy. It has a extensive depth of field from the car to the sunset. It is, of course, eye-level but it could also be unusual point of view because the image is oblique. The image has a deep space along with an extended perspective because of the angle of the camera to the car and the background.

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HW1: Honda

In the case of the Honda FCX Clarity, which is an ecologically conscious vehicle that suffers from a stigma associated with fuel cell-electric vehicles, my goal as art director of a project to showcase the automobile would be to convey the power and capabilities of the Clarity through pictures. To this end, images of the Clarity would have to be convincing of its ability to perform just as well as any conventional automobile, if not outright outperform them. I believe showing the Clarity on rugged roads while driving fast courses would be a good place to start, putting it on level ground with its competition, while making it clear there is an advantage to fuel cell-electric vehicles that gasoline fueled cars sorely lack: the sustainability of a rechargeable vehicle.


My photographer of choice for this goal is Clint Clemens. His work with the Jaguar as seen on his website fits into this line of thinking of “making a case” for the Clarity, while having several objective photographic characteristics that make his images pleasing to the eye. Firstly, Clemens’ use of of directional-diffused light does well in establishing a scene while having all the details of the physical car be clear to the viewers, eliminating bothersome shadows that might otherwise hide features without producing an overly contrasty image, allowing for a full scale range of color. Secondly, in shots where the subject is moving, Clemens’ use of shallow depth of field creates a selective focus that draws the eye to the product, the out of focus and distorted background lending to a sense of power that the car is able to produce and a level of speed it is able to attain.
With these aspects combined, I believe that it would be a great decision to hire Clemens to do the Clarity shoot. His work with the Jaguar has proven that he has an eye for photographing vehicles in a style that flatters them, and flattery is what the Clarity needs to sell units.

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HW 1 -Honda

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For this campaign, i choose the photographer Client Clemens, rather then the other two because what Client Clemens has to offer that the others don’t is a sense that you can go anywhere no matter the distance and feel good getting there no matter the look of the car, he gives you that feeling of adventure and where you go next is up to you but no matter where you go you will alway leave a trace behind because it was memorable for you. Its not pretty with green nature or show blurry lights in the background showing the speed of the car no thats too old fashion. This imagine above is just an example of what we might use for the new campaign because it gives you a sense of mystery,something original that we don’t see  like where are you going, or is that a road? The way this image has mostly dark tones. The lighting of this image i would say is front light the reason is because ewe don’t see much shadow just the dark color around the image corners. We clearly see that this is a road, however is doesn’t show much of death of field just tones of grey, it just a small slightly depth of field at the bottom where it is more focus and a bit more shaper then the other lines. Lastlty this image was taken by overhead, low level view because if this is a road then they must have taken it from an unusual view and kind of like a birds eye view because of the way the lighting is glowing towards the center of the photograph then showing the car.

In addition all three photographer are great at there work but Tim Wallace photographer    uses cars that are very experiences and they look awesome in the photographs but in todays world people don’t want to see what they can’t have they want to enjoy what they can have.

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Nicolas Duers

Nicolas Duers

Duers’ photograph of cameras is approached with the use of front lit lighting the creates high contrast thanks to the colors the subject. He emphasized the camera’s textures by keeping all of them in sharp focus. The focus is maintained between the cameras because they are all in a shallow space.

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The rat who ran way

Chris Collins has a variety of interesting photographs. One that caught my attention a lot was one with a rat who was riding a scooter. Not only was it humors but interesting. His use of light was sidelight and the shadow it makes is very smooth and soft. The shadow has a soft focus but the rat in focus but this photographs also has selective focus because the tail towards the end isn’t really sharp as compared to the rights face and the front of the scooter. The eye view of this photographs must be i feel like side view but eye view at the same time since the image isn’t straight but but in the side view. This image also has a hight key mostly light tones, and the emphasized of the shadow is soft. There is no negative space in this photograph . To me this picture is a great one because our eyes are focused on what appears more sharp and focus and we notice that its like a motion picture,  and see that the image is in portion , and size.The white rat

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Chris Collins Baby Portrait

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In Chris Collins’ photography of the baby, he uses side light. It’s clear that the camera placement is directly placed in front of the baby model and while the lighting is placed  on the side of the baby position. Due to the lighting position, it creates a low contrast on the photo. Since majority of the photo contain grey area. In this photo, Chris Collins’ set his camera to have the overall model of the baby to look sharp.  The camera angle is directly at an eye level of the baby position, allowing the baby eyes to make direct contact to the camera. Since the baby model is taking up most of the space in photo allowing to identify the figure and ground relationship.


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