Category Archives: Uncategorized


The Honda FCX Clarity is a highly sleek and “classy” looking vehicle. For a campaign for this car, one would need to capitalize upon it’s strengths, which are mainly it’s very modern design.  Each photograph should make the car “pop” … Continue reading

Posted in Homework, HW1-Making an Assignment, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

The Honda FCX Clarity Is the one of Honda’s brand new line of Electric Vehicles. However the Public sees it as an inferior alternative to the traditional car which is hurting sales in return. The Honda FCX Clarity has just … Continue reading

Posted in HW1-Making an Assignment, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

HW: 1

The Honda FCX Clarity so far has not been receiving the kind of interest other cars on the market have received.  Honda is leading the way for cars of the future. “Inferior” is how the majority of the public views this … Continue reading

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Homework 1

Being an art director, it’s our responsibility to give out criticism to other people works. I am in charge of fixing up the sales for The Honda FCX Clarity because recently, the sales hasn’t been that for-filling to the company. … Continue reading

Posted in HW1-Making an Assignment, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

LL1- Greg Shapps – Coke AdOn

At first glance the image is clearly an advertising photo due to the composition. The photographer, Greg Shapps, is trying to make the selling point the taste of the Coke drink. The image itself interests me because Shapps manages to … Continue reading

Posted in LL1-Composition, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Chris Collins Baby Portrait

  In Chris Collins’ photography of the baby, he uses side light. It’s clear that the camera placement is directly placed in front of the baby model and while the lighting is placed  on the side of the baby position. … Continue reading

Posted in LL1-Composition, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Learning Log 1:Chris collins

This photo by Chris Collins stuck out to me because of the view point as well as the tone and or contrast. From my observation it seems the type of lighting used may be Directional-Diffused lighting, or maybe Revealing Lighting. … Continue reading

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