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4st Journal

I feel more comfortable to work with George at this office, he doesn’t like to talk too much, but he is a professional designer that can teach me a lot of knowledge.

We have a meeting with six people today, basically is talk about they will design different channels of the Chicago tour. Different people have been assigned with different channels, such as poster, banner, magazine and newspaper and so on. George explained the idea and what he needs, and then asks me to do the poster, and the deadline is the end of this week.

I did different designs to show him, but he said those designs are too simples, not what he wants. He said poster is different with magazine or other ads, it post around the streets or somewhere else, it needs to be get people’s attention in the first minuet. I spent three days to recreate and edit the poster, and I designed ten different posters to show my supervisor. Last day of this week, I back to office early to wait for George’s feedback early then I can redo and edit it since the deadline is today. George picks one design and tells me that he will edit it by himself. Therefore, He edited it, and uses it as official poster for the Chicago tour.

I can see he didn’t edit too much, just fixed some of the layout and shapes. Still, I feel happy that he will use my design.

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3st Journal

This week is my first to work as intern at L & L Travel Enterprises,inc., I feel excited. I have told to work six hours per day, and need to work 4 days a week. I have assigned to be with a designer name George that does whatever he has assigned to me. I feel nervous during the time I am working next to my supervisor, because he doesn’t like to talk too much when he is working. So that, most of the time, I only keep working without saying a word.  The first project I got from him is to design a coupon for a gift store called J&A locate at Niagara Fall.

Before I do this project, George asked me to draw some ideas of the coupon before using computer to work on. Therefore, I spent two hours to do the coupon research and drawings. I showed him what I have did, and then he picked one drawing and asked me to work on computer. I used InDesign to create the draft, and spent half hour to finish the layout and color it. George asked me to redo it without color, and teach me some of the tips of design a coupon. From what he has taught me, I feel it is not easy to design a simple thing, such as a coupon. At the first moment, I think it is so easy to design a coupon and no need to draw different ideas. However, I was wrong. There are many details that I forgot that I learn from school, such as I need to pay attention about the font sizes, grips and so on.

I have created different styles for this coupon, and double-checked all the details. Finally, George picked one and told me that he will use it as official coupons. I didn’t expect it would become an actual product for using. George told me it will have more than thousand people will see my design due to they will send this couple to all the tourists who will join in their company. At that moment, I have a feeling about to cry, the coupon will become my first design to the world, even thought it is simple, only black and white.

I need to pay attention not to make those small mistakes, which I should not to. I have studying for design skills for four years, I should be considering as professional. Therefore, I decide to careful with all the works I will do in the future.


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2nd Journal

2nd Journal

Mina Su




This year is my last semester in City Tech, I need to find my internship to improve and experience what I get though the reality. When I feel so depressed because still no any replied after I have been sent out many applications, I got an email from ArtWing NY.

The day after I got the email, I went to interview. I had showed my portfolio and art works to them. It was a successful interview.  From the interview, I have learn a lot, such as dressing, the way I talk, and what I should be prepared and so on. However, I feel this company is not suitable for my major, since ArtWing is a photography company, and I want to do works related with advertising design. So that, I decide to keep on find another one. I kept sending lot applications out to different agency. Still, there is no one reply.

When God shuts one door, he will opens another door. My classmate Winnie told me that her internship company might be able to give me the chance, since I asked help from her before. Then, I did the research of the company. This company is called L & L Travel Enterprises,inc. , the biggest Chinese tour operator  for 20 years in located in Lowest side Manhattan, New York City,  they have different tours for the East Coast of USA and Asia. I called to the company and got an appointment for interview.

I got hired from the interview, and they haven showed me about their design department, and I told to back to work for around 10 hours a week, will pay for my lunch and transposition fee. The company has 3 floors for different departments; the design department is wide and nice on the second floor. They have around 15 people for design department, including manger and art directors.  I feel excited while the manger showed me around the office; it is a busy environment that people keep doing their stuff, which I like it so much. In addition, I always feel the need to represent my Chinese background to seeing the influence of the culture; I believe working in this company will be a great chance to achieve it.

Looking forward to work here next week. Finally, I can gain experience for my goal.

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Ickie Lickies (continued)

But the thing that convinced me that these toys may not sell too well were the tongues each of them had. The tongue was sticking out of their mouth with seven white dots on them. Also the tongue wasn’t shaped like a nice looking tongue. Oh not at all the tongue looked like it came from the leader of the band KISS. The names were also troubling. One was called Oh Key, another Buuu-Dee and i kid you not this is how they were spelled. The third one was called Oooh-Oh, and there was Soooong. The last one was the only one that i could see being a hit. Its name was Po*Et, which reminds me of poems which in general are pretty nice. So here was this ex cop, his dream to be a plush toy seller named Ickie Lickies and a handful of weird plush toys with weird names. My job was to design a logo, business card, rack card, and hang tags for this client. This was my first real client since beginning this internship.

I was given another assignment. I was to make a logo for what i presumed to be a football company. They were called khuddle football experience. The khuddle reminded me of cuddle and gave me a little laugh. This client was easy to work with. They knew what they wanted their logo to look lie and also gave me an element that i must include in my design. It was a cresent passing through three football players spaced evenly. I went right to work even though i was still working on things from Ickie Lickies i had finished the logo and had some time to work on this clients logo.

Posted in Assignments, Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Ickie Lickies

Today a client came in to have a meeting with the boss and a co-worker that felt with content. At the time I was still working on an internal logo for the agency. After about fifteen minutes an employee came to me and told me that I was needed in the meeting room. Because I had no prior knowledge of a meeting my first thought was that my boss was going to show me something. I walked to the door and was immediately stopped and asked by my boss, “you’re coming to a meeting without your notepad?” I was going to reply with, ” I didn’t know of  any meetings that i was to attend”, however i was stopped mid sentence with the same question. This was done in front of the client and i could not help but feel as if i was humiliated in front of someone for something i had no power over. During the meeting I was briefed about the problem at hand. The client is an ex cop, retired now. He is a bit on the big side. He is an entrepreneur who has an idea to sell plush toys called Ickie Lickies. After hearing that name I thought to myself, “why in the world would I buy something that sounds like that”. The product was taken out and shown to us. They were not aesthetically pleasing. They looked like the stuffed toys that were brought to life by a five year olds drawings. To be continued…

Posted in Assignments, Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal Post 10/23/13

This week is going to be a pretty slow week overall. Typical week of branding one sheets and developing slides. The Marketing Director has informed that I will be putting together a testimonial video reel recorded the other week from the client summit. I recently received an email concerning the typographical design for the walls of the office. The CEO’s literal comments were “They are fun…no real comments except to keep them clean, professional designs…nothing too cartoony…” So judging from that I assume my drafts were a little too out there and he wants something simpler. As well as giving me another quote, “Our Mission: To Bring Simplicity to the Marketer.”

Other than that it has been a pretty standard week. I’ve been taking advantage of my free time there to catch up on homework as well as club activities. The Marketing Executive of IgnitionOne has assigned me to reworking their Integrated Marketing Report to be a bit more appealing. Which means straying away from their standard one sheet design and adding in more graphical elements. Taking phrases and statistics within the report and making them clearer fro the reader. Much more like their Marketing Playbook, in terms of size, aesthetics and feel. The first draft has been sent in and I should be receiving comments and edits within the week.

Hopefully the upcoming weeks will be more eventful, but it is looking like things won’t pick up until around December.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal Post 10/16/13

Seeing as I had taken Monday off, I can say Tuesday was a pretty busy day. Nothing too exciting just more one sheets and slides that needed to be branded. Most of which, if not all, were for Netmining. The biggest day was on Friday.

The Executive Assistant had emailed me with an interesting request. She asked for me to put together some graphics of inspirational quotes to put on the wall around the office. Apparently this was a request directly from the CEO of the company. Sadly though, the only direction for design I was able to receive was “make them look cool” and that I have “full creative license”. Not the best working conditions unfortunately. The two quotes I was instructed to use were “Act like an owner” and “Execute with urgency”. Trying to wrap my head around a decent design the entire day I sent over about six drafts for them to look over. Now it’s just a matter of awaiting feedback.

Other than that it was a typical week of branding one sheets and editing slides. Nothing to extraordinary.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm, Uncategorized.

Journal Post 10/09/13

This week the Marketing Manager of our sister company, Netmining, received a new Marketing Executive who will directly be helping her with her duties. Turns out I will be working with her as well, developing new one sheets and presentation slides. As far as events I was asked to make minor edits to the JD Power email invites as well as edits for the Client Summit material for the printers.

The Business Development Associate of our sister company, Netmining, emailed me stating let me know that she is very pleased with how the Infographic template came together. I was able to sit with her and show her how to easily make changes and adjustments so she will be able to use it with any client that comes by even after I am gone.

Other than that it was a pretty slow week. Thursday and Friday were the days of the Client Summit so both my Marketing Director and Marketing Executive for IgnitionOne were off at New Orleans. Leaving me with a relaxing Thursday and the day off for Friday. Surprisingly I had received a email from the Marketing Executive showing off the printed version of the agenda book. She informed me that everything looked great and that they wish I could see it. The biggest highlight was receiving the picture of the Client Summit logo up on the big screen in a Superdome. Definitely an achievement if I do says so myself.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm, Uncategorized.

Journal Post for 10/02/13

I am glad to say that all creative material has been officially completed and sent to printers. The biggest day was Monday, where I had to turn the agenda for the client summit into an accordion pamphlet to put in lanyards. Along with that a hotel insert that will go into the gift bags. It was interesting to take something I had made into two pages and bring it down to one smaller page.

An interesting design I was requested to do was for a drink card for one of the sponsors of the event, INDEX by Casale Media. I was asked to basically highlight their brand with a picture of the drink they called the Hurricane. They had given pictures based on the drink but were unable to provide anything in a high resolution. So instead of making a card with a pixelated I changed the whole layout to a vector design. The result turned out to be very promising.

Among the client summit work I assisted Human Resources in putting together a welcome power point for the company. The Marketing Director also informed me that they have officially posted the first video for the web series, Digital Marketing Speaks. From here on there will be a video released every two weeks. He would like for me to have the next batch of videos by the end of the year. Looks like I shouldn’t have to worry about keep my self busy for a while now.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm, Uncategorized.

Journal 7

Journal Six

     It wasn’t a great day at the job yesterday, October 23, 2013.  In the morning I wasn’t busy at first, and then did some more Photoshop scanning and printing.  After a little hesitation, I did complete it..   I decided to go see what exactly someone else in the office was working on, and watched him for a while.  After a while, one of the employees asked if I would like to do a similar drawing, and of course, I said I would if he wanted me to.  I stayed over on that side of the office after that, and later on, the other intern and I were told we were going to get a tutorial in technical drawing.

An employee explained some things to us for about a half an hour, and then he asked use to repeat something he had done, and send it to him.  Again, I felt frustrated as I didn’t get it perfect, even after re-doing it.  The other intern didn’t get it either, at first, but later did do it correctly.  It felt like this big competition they set up between him and I, which I don’t want.  I didn’t know if the winner got to do the rest of the work or what the point of the contest was.

Therefore, I started looking for another internship job today.  I don’t mind a job where I know if there are going to be others doing similar work to me, but in this situation, I was led to believe that this would not be the case.  There is only one desk and computer for an intern in the office, so I don’t know why they have both of us there.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.