group #2

Welcome to the new and improved transit system that New York City has to offer, It upbeat and attractive. Take a ride on NYC-Transport12. It’s a roaring roller coaster, that runs thought the city. You will get a perspective of the city you have never seen before. It will take you all over the city: from the deep blue waters of the east river, to the lush green acres of central park. There will never be a dull moment on the coaster. On the ride you will have a variety of aromas hitting your noises: From the smell of sugar being caramelizing at the peanut stands to the smell of fresh pizza coming off the oven. This roller coaster is a big improvement on the current transit system, instead of being pressed agents a wall because the train is over flowing. All rides will have their own cushioned sit, where they can enjoy the commute home rather them dread it. NYC-Transport12 will redefine the way you commute in the big apple!

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Group 4- Futuristic Dreams

Our New York is your New York. Wouldn’t it be exciting if we had a Six Flags, floating on top of the East River? With loud flying racecars, floating food vendors, and rides all around… Doesn’t that sound like loads of fun? Best of all, the park would smell like oil perfume and have fancy Lamborghini bumper cars. There would be a floating racetrack and tons of roller coasters. The delicious chocolate scent will walk and drive your taste buds towards our food vendors- located in the heart of the park. Everything you can imagine to eat would be there! Popcorn, cotton candy, skittles, anything chocolate and anything delicious! Located by the Brooklyn Bridge, the floating park could be viewed by the people, who are having a peaceful time at the Brooklyn Bridge Park.

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-Loud, Busy, Crowded, Hectic and Diverse

– An exotic car, I went to the world trade center and visited the freedom towers, new sneakers

-Bad hygiene, Sewers, Car fuel, and Food

-Most peaceful place in NYC is Central park early in the morning. It is quiet and the nature creates a soothing presence.

-I wish there were ski slopes in NYC so I could snowboard at anytime during the winter. Due to the geography of NYC, It’s impossible.

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A Place to Escape- Group # 3- New York City

Welcome to the new addition to the city we all love New York City. A rare city that mysteriously combines the senses into a symphony of pleasure. A place where random flyers and trash blow through the air. Where smells of the subway and sewer mix with the many exotics foods. This may sound pleasing already, but it gets better with our brand new specially designed area of attractions downtown. We all know the empire state buildng right, well just imagine being able to fly down its side towards the ground at break neck speeds only to stop just before the ground in our new sky gliding exhibit. If heights aren’t your thing then how about a special high way that goes through the entire city. A place where any type of vehicle can speed through the streets without worry of pedestrians or speed limits. An area in this city is specially designed to house the worlds largest paint ball course. Here you can go on your first date and really paint the town red, or blue or any color that comes to mind. This all may sound a little crazy but to many its a geat place to live. Its not only fast, fun, and outrgeous, but it is also therapeutic, fresh, and an easy place to visit. So why dont you take a chance today and stop on by.

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The Amazing New York City – Group 5

The Amazing New York City

            Welcome to New York City. This is a place that defines the true meaning of diversity, enjoyment and craziness. It’s a city where you can shop, visit beautiful parks and great skyscrapers and of course enjoying delicious food. Speaking of shopping, there are two great shopping places such as Soho and 34 St. which have a variety of good brands for clothes and shoes. If you are here to relax and have some coffee, Central Park would be a very suitable place for this purpose. This park is great in both beauty and relaxing. Its scent makes you feel comfortable and fresh which is one of the reasons you should visit it. You won’t find another park like Central Park that gives you an unforgettable experience. When you come to New York and think of buildings, Empire State Building should be one of your stops. Because of it, you can see how New York City is and shaped. You feel the notion of being the luckiest person in the world because you can have almost the entire city under you. Note that if you are scared of heights, please do not try it.

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Group One

Come join our dorms! Where else would you be able to have fun, relax and study all in the same area? NOWHERE, but our very own Green Point Dorms. Our dorms are available to any student attending college within the area. The dorms lie on a beautiful turf covered form of land and are flying! We only have a few cozy, two person rooms left. These rooms have a desk for each roomate, therefore they can focus on their studies, two full beds, and a slide in mirror door that leads to a wonderful sized closet. But when you come here, you better grab yourself a map because our campus has a wild variety of buildings(A,D,N,R,S). We also offer fun activities like rock climbing located in building R’s area, every first of the month. We also have jet ski-ing right around the block, on the crystal blue East River, every Saturday-Sunday. Now if that does’nt intrest you, I bet you’ll enjoy our dance hall, in which we play a diverse selection of music, every single Friday, in building D. We also have a cafateria located underneath all dorms, on the second floor. You definatly can not resist the smell of all the different varieties of food we have, especially our specials which consist of chicken nuggets and nachos, and definatly don’t forget our freshly made deserts. So what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone an call 1800333Dorm to reserve the perfect room for you today!

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Class Notes – 9/11/12

5 adjectives that describe your New York
3 objects that you’ve seen on the streets in recent days
4 things that you smelled yesterday
what is the most peaceful/contemplative place you have found in NYC?
something you wish you could do in NYC but find that you can’t for one reason or another (expense, impractical, etc.)

In-Class Assignment:
Each group:
1. share your lists
2. dream up a structure/location/place that incorporates at least one element from each group member’s list
3. Write a descriptive paragraph that presents this imaginary structure/location/place emphasizing sensory details

For Thursday:
Each group should revise and post their proposals along with a sketch. Each group should have a name for their firm and perhaps a logo. Proposal should be revised in response to in-class feedback. Remember to make your proposals specific and clear. Each person in the group should have a task.

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Life in the City

Life in the city can be an exciting experience. You honestly never know what is going to happen or what you may see. In the video we saw in class you could already tell that the world was hectic back then. I saw that there many fights, traffic looked crazy, and the streets were really crowded. In “The Man of the Crowd” the author talks about the streets being filled with vendors and that you could easily point them out. “The tribe of clerks was an obvious one; and here I discerned two remarkable divisions. There were the junior clerks of flash houses — young gentlemen with tight coats, bright boots, well-oiled hair, and supercilious lips.” There is not many differences between my city and the city of both the video and “The Man of the Crowd” just that now the city is definitly not having riots like in the video.

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“What is a city?” The Man of the Crowd.

Cities get the best of people when walking through one. Ask anyone who has been through a crowded city and they will give you a new definition of what it feels like. People differentiate culturally, economically, even physically. “The city fosters art and is art; the city creates the theater and is the theater.” Said in Mumfords reading “What is a city?” really stuck out to me. He couldn’t have put it in any more perfect definition of the city. The city itself is an art and theatre. The museums that are architecturally built to foster art, itself IS art. The theatres with shining bright lights that create the theatre, itself IS the theatre. Going to the city is just an experience to remember every time. The Man of the Crowd defines an old man’s joy of walking through a busy crowd. The old man has no destination, just stalking forward and backward as he gets through the crowd. He wanted to live in the crowd. Instead of walking alone, he could always have someone besides him. Doesn’t have to know the person, not even look at them. The old man just knows that there is someone there beside him.

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New york; city of dreams

New york, the city of dreams as described by the many different varieties of people that live in it, is a city with many beautiful buildings and many different varieties of landscapes. This is exactly the thing that makes New York City unique. E.B White’s here is New York gives us a great view of what people tend to see in great cities. He talks about what has changed since he was last there and how much different it looks with all the really tall skyscrapers and all the new variety of people that have moved there in that time.


Mumford’s “What is a city” and Poe’s “Man in the crowd” are two great literatures that give us a point of view and a different perspective from other people who live in the city. This two tell us what one can expect to see in the city in the way that they describe what they see like when Poe talks about all the different types of people he sees and all the different types of jobs and buildings and when he notices that there is a great variety in the way people dress.  Mumford’ s “What is a city” pretty much gives us the idea of what buildings and housing look like in new york and how much it has changed through out the years, and how the city has grown both in population, diversity and architecturally.

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