Monthly Archives: October 2012

Formal Critique (2) – Carlos Mo Wu

The Voorhees building of City Tech is a building that is in the state of renovation located on 186 Jay Street, Brooklyn. It can be described as a semi-glassed building. Negative spaces are very relevant in this building because they … Continue reading

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Formal Critique:Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera house located in Sydney, Australia on the Bennelong Point Harbor. This beautiful structure was designed by Jorn Utzon and completed in 1973. the opera house is very big with its several theaters suitable to hold many people for … Continue reading

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Formal Critique – Diego Vega

Apple stores are one of the most famous stores in the world, besides its technology and all the electronic products that they sell; Apple is also very well recognized because of the perfect design and the elegance that their stores … Continue reading

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My formal space Alex Cooper

A long time ago during, “Bring your child to work day”, I visited my father’s job at the Citigroup building, located on 601 Lexington Avenue. I was very young but, prior to walking in the building, I first noticed a … Continue reading

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Stephanie sanchez – Formal Critique

Brooklyn is one of the borough of New York City that has a splendid Greek architecture. In order to appreciate it you must go to downtown Brooklyn. The Dime Savings Bank of New York, originally Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn operated from 1859 to … Continue reading

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Assignment for Thursday, October 18: Formal Critique

Hi All — Because there has been some confusion about this, I wanted to remind you that I asked you at the end of class on Tuesday to post for today a formal critique (based on the discussion in Writing … Continue reading

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Formal Critique – Carlos Mo Wu

Times Square has the most colorful texture in New York City. In order to have a clear view of Times Square, go to the Duffy Square which is a stair-shaped structure. The structure is unique because of its color and … Continue reading

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Nicolas Rodriguez Response

                      The book Writing About Architecture, within the first chapter explains what architect critics will base their criticisims on. It also goes on to tell us the four approaches of writing about architecture. This chapter mostly gives information for architect … Continue reading

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franklin rojas- summary

According to the article, “Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing “published in September 1, 2012, in New York Times, by Michael Graves. Graves talks about “the death of drawing”, has it came to an end? Where technology has begun … Continue reading

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Paper #1 Peer Review/Self Assessment

Title — catchy phrase — summarize your argument — NOT “Paper #1” * Writing a summary peer review — Does the summary provide enough information to cover the content/argument of the article? — Does the summary focus on the big/main … Continue reading

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